Friday 30 December 2016

Out With The Old And In With The New Year.

30th December 2016 

I want to cover today with a more positive tone and outlokk as dwelling on the past is not what I really do but looking forward to a new venture, new chapter and new life is a more postive way to deal with things for me.

Today and as a result of the high pressure bringing such bright blue skies, golden sunshine and fresh air in the breeze brought the ideal opportunity to venture out and capture some quality air and reality in my life and as such I took a short trip out to the land of sheep and cows with flowing streams, crystal clear rivers and deep dark lakes that surround my world in abundance and below is just a few snaps and views for which I hope you enjoy.

As you can see by the skyline, the colours were something of a specatcle, with the sun reflecting from the underside of the clouds, it creates and elusion of the cloud being pink but reflecting from the mirror image of the calm lake, creates an even bigger spectacle and theatre of calm. The opportunity to think life out and clear my mind is created within this picture for so many reasons.

The video above provides a good sense of just how quiet and serene it really is here, the sound of silence is only ever broken by the occasional Ba or Moo from the local livestock and the views are spectacular in all directions. Im just a short walk from an area known locally as "Little Switzerland" because of it's very stunning views that one might easily assume is a location within the country of Switzerland. The only clue that Im still in God's own country is the accent of the locals which is a total reasurace that Im not lost of wondered off to far off lands. You will note in the ditance on this video that they are buring some of the heather back which allows it to grow back even stronger next year to provide food for the Grouse which live here quite freely in abundance. The lake at the bottom and in the distance is part of series of lakes all flowing from one to the other in a series of steps and form a small part of the water supply here in this area. The silence here is quite disturbing but truly lovely. It's the only time I can not hear myself think because of the distraction of silence.

This is a local view of one of the lakes from about halfway down the valley, you will note the pure stillness & blackness of the water and the the mirror immage created by this affect. It's not really black water, in truth it's very clean but when the sun goes down in the west, it creates a dark shadow on the water and this gives the impresion of the water appearing the be black. To the right of this picture and in the centre of the valley is my City of Sheffield, famous for being build on severn hills, the same as Rome.
Back down at lakeside level, you can experience the beauty of the colours created naturally by the sun setting in the west and relecting upon the lake. There are still many people walking and running the length of the lake and it's nice to see so many appreciate the world that we live in and taking the opportunity to embrace the nature that surrounds them.

6th January 2017

The first week of a new year is always something of a somber affair for so many reasons, I assume it's slightly because we remember the negative things from the previous year and also look forward to the new years tasks with in-trepidation for so many differing reasons. For me, it's with an open mind and positive attitude of whats to come.

I do not wish to dwell too much on the negative aspects of 2016 but I do wish to spare a thought for so many people who did not make it here with us all for whatever reason and the list of famous people who didn't make it was nothing more than a growing list toward the end and so sad for so many fans and supporters of the talents and charms of those people whom we all were left with a prayer in our hearts for. By now, most of us are over the Christmas celebrations and are left with the aftermath of the turmoil it all created for such a long time.

My week has been a quiet one although yesterday had a surprise in store and a sting in the tail but it was something of a negative and the water has passed under that bridge already.

My Twitter account has been very busy with many new followers in the build up to Christmas which was nice and my Facebook account as always has been very lively h both comedy and likes and on occasions some truly memorable material from the picture corner. For those who made the commitment of a New Years Resolution, I wish you good luck with your conquest but statistics would suggest that the 27th January will quickly see an end to the commitment but I truly hope you prove me wrong. I made one commitment to which I absolutely will not break in any way and that is not to make a New Years Resolution if I can't keep to it, so to that end I decided to make none at all of which I will stick to,

Friday 23 December 2016

48 Hours To A "Peter Hulbert" Christmas..!!

23rd December 2016

I suppose the time has come to all of us when we have to sercome to the "Merry Christmas" to you all bit and bow to the Big Fat Guy and admit defeat. It's not a very popular club to be a member of the "Old Misserable B_stard Club for Christmas.

So I gave in......."So What"..!! You have no idea how lonely the misserable club is and as such I have decided to give up my lifetime membership and join the rest of the world in enjoying my Christmas in the knowing that my New Year has a few surprises in store and with no reflecting on what could have been or what should have been but was is going to be instead. I left my home today and travelled across my City in what on the face of it was quite a sombre atmosphere but in reality, I think it was just people focused upon getting home safe to be with there families etc.

Im going to start todays update with a message of change and hope for those who spend so much time trying to hurt others. Just take a step back and ask yourself why your life is shit......!!. The answer is simply that you are wasting so much of it on negative thoughts and ideas instead of channelling your energy into making a success of your own life, what you are doing is spending time trying to wreck others, I laugh at it because in truth those types of people will crawl up there own asshole and do it to themselves and why waste time doing it for them. I have discovered that kidness has far more to offer than hatred and love has more benefits than agression but them my world was never an easy one but it sure is calm these days and with a new plan and new focus, just bring on 2017 is all I can say.

The one good thing about this time of year is that it brings together so many crazy people with happines in their lives to share with so many other happy people. Whilst I would endorse this phylosophy 100%, I would aslo say that the ladies to the right perhaps took the meaning of have fun a little too far. However, who am I to critisise, after all, I just left the "Old Misserable B_stards club" so I have no room to talk. I was so impressed today when I was in my local City and saw so many people still shopping for those last minuet presents in order to bring someone a moment of happiness on Christmas day.

I brought you this picture to bring you a small incication of whats in my life very soon and whilst the location will remain private to myself, what I will say is that it's goodbye to the old and hello to the new world and life. I have no intention of repeating the mistakes of the past but instead have a whole new world and benefits to which the fool who has been tracking me so closely could only ever dream about and the Hansel and Grettel pathway that I so cleary allowed you to follow, was in fact the one designed for an idiot to follow to the point of you are a million miles away with you efforts. However, it was good fun doing it and Google very kindly provided out team with the IP address's from where all the clicks were coming from, so good luck and good riddens. An asshole is always an asshloe and clearly you are the king or Queen of assholes for the worthless effort you went to. My 2017 is very much mapped out and yours is sitting un your hairy ass wondering why life dealt you such a low blow, the truth is you dealt it to yourself and it's commonly called Karma.

I want to leave this blog by saying a huge thank you to all of the wonderful freinds and supporters I have constantly around me who pick me up, kick my butt and encourage me in so many ways. In particular, I want to thank one very special friend of mine to whom is my "Silver Bullet" and to whom I never reveal whom that is but suffice to say was there when others showed there true colours and despite the distance between us at this present moment in time, I am so proud and honoured to be so close to such a truly loyal and wonderful person of whom will one day be sharing a totally different lifestyle in a whole new and differing world to the one they are used to now. All I can say is the medical world will soon wake up to a whole new tallent whom is driven by kindness and commitment beyond what most peoples dedication
level and ability.

I will end this post on a possitive note and leave you all in the thought that 2017 can always be a better one than we left behind in 2016 and whilst many people will want to be a friend of your pocket, there pocket will rarely ever want to be a friend of yours and with that philosophy in mind, beware of the friend in need.....!!
I will be in and around for a few weeks in the early part of 2017 and I will of course be updating the posts but now that some of the cat is out of some of the bag, it is only in an "Up Yours" type of post as apposed to a focus of ranking etc as I have removed the bits you attack in the place where I will be and as such, I don't give a F_ck How Much Time You Waste Clicking....!!

"Merry Christmas To My Friends" & I truly wish you all a very positive New Year in whatever your dreams are focused on.

Friday 16 December 2016

9 Days To The Fat Guy Calling.

16th December 2016

I'm getting rather bored with the Christmas theme now and as I travel up and down the country, I appear to be in the majority as apposed to minority, I put this down to Christmas starting so early and dragging on a little too long.

The question I am most confronted by as I travel is "What are your plan's for 2017" and I can safely say at this point I have not committed to anything that I cannot change at this moment but as and when I have decided, you can be assured I will not share them in public. I will however be doing some very important things that will affect my life forever and as they are personal, you can simply be left wondering what, when and why for now. I have provided a picture to the right from a very famous movie and as a requisite to see if you actually read this blog, I would ask that if you know your movies, you say below the name of this classic comedy to which caused so much controversy back in the 1970s.
Next week sees the beginning of the end of the Christmas shopping madness and then we will start seeing the holiday adverts on the TV, followed shortly afterwards with Easter Eggs in the shops and spring clothing on the rails in the cloths shops and retailers. Life is so predictable these days.

As the days move on toward the big day, my thoughts are toward the people whom due to circumstance beyond there control are suffering for reasons not created by them selves and all too often are the cause of politicians whom create the economic struggle and have no sense of either morals or sensitivity in any way, shape or form. I saw on the news the affects of Syria and the huge attack and assault on Aleppo and find it indefensible and inexcusable how the United Nations simply stand back and allow this while they sit around debate, debate and more debate about what they will not do to stop this. I always call the United Nations "The Mass Debaters" whom are paid huge salaries to which they do not ever have to justify. If I commit any time to anything next year, it will be to support a humanitarian cause and my present feeling and focus is toward "Greenpeace" whom offer a degree and mixture of both hope, reality and forward thinking associated with both humanity and environment. My advice is you keen an eye upon for my making an announcement at some early part of 2017, perhaps toward the spring time and I'm sure the news will be exciting and positive for so many reasons.

I'm reliably informed that Christmas should be traditional and Robbins at some point should appear, just how this works in Dubai or Australia is beyond me where they are both having a very warm spell right now. However, robins were the request and toward the right and just like magic, they appear. You may be aware that one of my many passions is Bird Watching and the study of birds and for those who know about Robins, this picture is quite a rare event as Robins are very territorial and when meeting other robins, almost always ends in a ferocious fight to the end in many instances. One might argue this is a female feeding it's young but looking at the snow on the branch, I would say that can't be correct as it is too early or late in the year to produce young for a Robin and as such I just suggest perhaps it is a fake picture or a very tolerant pair which truly is a rare event for these birds.

 I would like to just offer a word to all of our families, friends and supporters of Christianity that you should not turn away from your faith, your belief or trust in your faith, just because it may offend others. You should rejoice in your strength of character and be prepared to keep your tradition going despite others. It is not for you to hide in the shadows and feel ashamed of your belief but quite the contrary, it should be left to others to respect your belief and allow you your moment of humanity to celebrate your choice in supporting your faith. It says more about you as a person that it does about those who protest and as such I would urge you to stand tall in every way and be proud of your choice.
My week ahead is a very unpredictable one in as much as I'm guided by others and there diary, schedule and timetable but as everyone is in Christmas madness mood, I might suggest that it will be a quiet week ahead and that little if anything may happen in my life of any significance except if I get a call of importance to which I may have to attend of deal with in some way.

My Final words are a message of hope to all around the world that peace is better than war, love is better than hate and whichever God you worship, lets all learn to respect all faiths no matter how extreme or diverse. We all have our space on planet earth and it's time to learn to be tolerant of others so we can focus of living in a better place within our own hearts and minds. "Merry Christmas" to you all for 2016.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python's Life of Brian

Monty Python's Life of Brian - I shall release Brian

Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979) - Biggus Dickus

Its A Mad Mad Crazy World.

11th December 2016

A week of utter excitement and weirdness from all corners which started out quite well at first but may have been a fake storm warning as the week soon took a turn for the worse. I have suffered the worst fate ever of living next to a pair of weirdo's to whom are like the family from hell, they shout abuse to people in the street, they swear they truly are the lowlife from Hell are Mr Steven Fawcett & Janet Fawcett the family to nobody ever speaks to. They have been involved in Dog fighting, street brawls and every foul mouthed verbal exchange ever with people on what should be a truly quiet street, but Stephen Fawcett is a drinker who can't go without and drinkers are always unstable and unbalanced and as such to be treated with an air of caution. The woman "Janet falls out with everyone in the end and is known as the nasty bitch to the locals, However, I was starting to explain how there misery passed my way this week. It started with a visit from the local Police liaison officer who said my neighbour was making a complaint about me and suggested that the garden had possibly been poisoned with something, to which all I can say is maybe yes, maybe no but to which I had no knowledge about, suffice to say the officer made clear the matter was ended and he would report back to them. This should be the end of the matter but I always recognise that in some people, especially volatile, there is never an end and when they thought there was nobody watching and they assumed I was out, I caught them doing something weird and here is the video that clearly shows Stephen Fawcett sprinkling something on his garden area and one might suggest he is deliberately trying to make something happen or suggest this was something that I may have caused. However, if you read the instructions of weed killer, it will tell you it acts within 24 hours and as there complaint refers to 11 days ago, it clearly has nothing to do with me. Please see the video below and I'm sure you will agree, Mr Fawcett is clearly seen sprinkling something on his plants etc.

I always like to use the expression "There is no fool like an old fool" and if you are trying to make out that someone has played in your garden, make sure you are not stupid enough to get caught planting the evidence yourself.


Thursday 1 December 2016

The Christmas Spirit Is In The Air For Peter Hulbert

1st December 2016

Wow, has it been cold in God's Own Country this week. Tempratures sropped to -9% at one point and all you could hear at night was the howling of dogs as they tried in vein to get unstuck from the lamp post.

The Christmas spirit it now in full flow due in the main to the retail outlets pushing everything into our face at every opportunity and the frost certainly brings it home to us that winter is truly here. I susspect that Santa is getting the sledge serviced ready for his one night of employment this year.

I hear as I travel round just how many people are waiting to go to there Christmas parties and in some instance a bit of a moan about feeling obliged to do so. Im always of the opinion that it is the one day/night that all of the works staff and team can relax and bond on a personal basis as apposed to a work and formal basis and it should be a great time to reflect on times that have gone by. I also feel it should be a compy duty to pay for the staff party as a way of appreciation and thank you for the hard work, commitment and dedication from the staff but sadly it's 2016 and almost always that never happens.

For me to reflect on the week gone by would be to mention all of the shops I visited this week and I feel that would bore the bigger part of you all as I truly belive that when you have seen one Marks and Spencer, you have seen them all. However, my week has been filled by interest and overall I have had a very pleasurable week filled with fun and laughter but as it was a personal event and process, perhaps it should be kept that way.

It was a very sad week from the global news when we all heard of the tragic airplane accident in Columbia where so many people both famous and public suffered there fate by what is momenterily being suggested as a lack of fuel to the aircraft causing the tragic accident and our thoughts and prayers are with those families who have suffered such a tragic loss.

Today, I went out for some lunch to catch up with some friends and my belly was aching because the laughter just grew and grew and for those interested in where I frequent, keep wondering as I can do without the comments but here are some pictures showing the inside which is a very nice place to go.

Peter Hulbert was here, 1.12.2016 


2nd December 2016 

I would like to pay a special tribute today to a very special and funny actor Mr Andrew Sachs or as we ll commonly know him as Manwell from the wonderful comedy series "Faulty Towers" who sadly passed away last night and left a huge space in the world of comedy acting and writing for someone to try and fill.

I hope you all enjoy a little crazy but very funny by way of an offering of a tribute to such a very funny actor:

Its been a very sad year for loosing people of fame and quality and I just hope their call to Heaven is for something special that may be happening up there to which the message went out to send for the best of the very best to join the party.

I was at home today and as I had a little time to spare, I decided to cook myself some evening dinner which turned out rather nice. I made chicken wrapped in smoky bacon with salad and chips to which all in all was rather nice and I can confirm it went down the hatch rather well.

I saw on the weather that tomorrow will be a drop in temprature and will be much colder than today, it is also anticipated that we will have a covering in frost overnight and to which may cause some problems for drivers who insist on driving like heros as apposed to living a sensible lifestyle like the rest of us.


5th December 2016

Its been a weird sort of a weekend with so much happening and so little reward but in life it is not always the short term gain that is important but the long term reward and my sights are firmly fixed on the target.
I enjoyed my weekend by catching up on the new Grand Tour series to which has a grand budget and clearly shows, but whilst the first edition was one I truly raved about, the second one was not quite as good for me despite all the action shots in Israel and the training camp. It was still funny but appeared to be trying to be funny rather than just naturally flowing comedy.
My day today (Monday) started in the fog and ended in super thick fog. I set off toward my local Fish & Chip shop and drove through a truly think blanket of thick fog:

As you can see by the photographs above, the fog is truly thick and resembles the staff at the Whitby Fish & Chip Shop who consistently use the same excuse as I enter the building of "We have just put some fresh fish into the fryer and it won't be long". is a Fish & Chip shop. I come here every week on different days and times but always once a week. It is BS to keep telling me the same story, you should have fish under the heater always and when it drops to just a few left, put some more in the fryer. No one wants fish or chips covered in fat, they want them drained off under the heat lamps. I wrote a comment a few weeks ago about this every day occurrence and had many replies from your customers agreeing and underlining that this happens to them too when they visit your branch in Sheffield. It is seriously bad leadership and needs addressing. I may only be Peter Hulbert but I am a customer too and you may be shocked by what a large social network following I have and the word can spread quickly when it's a negative one.


6th December 2016

Well, where do I start today?. It was chaos, chaos and more chaos today. It all started when I got up, put the kettle on and waited about 35 minuets for the kettle to boil, only to find pushed through my letter box a leaflet saying the power would be off for up to 60 minuets today and I tried to make my cuppa right in the middle of the power cut. However, tea cup finally in hand and a piece of toast to start the day, my next surprise was a call from my daughter to say she was at work and had fallen ill and her boss had suggested she goes home and as such the "Dad Taxi" was her next point of contact. My day was slowly going backward and I was still in my Jim Jam's. Ah well, onward and upward is the name of the game so first task is to inform Holmfirth that I will be at best late.
I got myself dressed, slurped my tea down and set off to the City centre in the rush hour and was pleasantly surprised to see for the most part, the traffic had died off and calmed down but parking was always going to be a problem.
I arrived in town and soon caught up with my "B" but the next problem was she announced that she kept throwing up and the last thing I needed was a car full of puke, However, we managed to make it to her home with no throwing up episodes and she went into the home, turned the heating on and as far as I'm aware after her call about an hour ago, she is not good but no worse. There are many bugs flying round at this time of year, partly due to the weird weather and just to give you an example, 2 days ago it was -8% here but tomorrow it is predicted to be warmer than Greece and as such it plays havoc with your normal way of thinking and encourages germs to thrive, suffice to say they day was eventually blown out of the water and I decided to focus on paperwork and catch up and as such, I returned to Firkem Hall and carried on with creating work.


Friday 25 November 2016

Bing Crosby & David Bowie - Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy 1977

Slade - Merry Christmas Everybody + Lyrics

Sarah Brightman AVE MARIA

Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You

The End Of Another Week

25th November 2016

I can safely say that today was one of those better days of which I would like to share with you all. My day started rather late but who cares as it was a Friday and they are too much like Mondays. However, I left home for lunch and decided to take a picture of the venue for lunch and the entrance area was so well laid out in preparation for Christmas.

The day was all set for perfection as my Burger and chips turned up and were as expected, "perfect". This place used to be a mad house some 6 months ago and not a place I would ever frequent but the owners took a serious look at the market potential and changed it's focus toward a family focused place in which to relax and enjoy, previously it was a crazy place full of reprobate families with offensive kids with no respect.

Its quite rare for me to have a sweet but as the price was 2 for £2.50, who am I to argue and it was a delight. Chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce and ice cream. If that made your mouth water, I can confirm it was absolutely wonderful and went down a treat.

As predicted, I was forced under duress to taste the local beer of San Miguel which once again went down a treat and was truly refreshing and full of life.

After leaving the Pub, I set off for town where I was meeting "B" as I have not seen them for over a week and as such I called at there office but they were not ready. As I did not wish to hang around, I decided to walk 50 yards to the local public swimming pool where it has a café and warm comfortable seating area with wifi where I could wait for "B" to join me. As you will see below, it was anything but busy and apart from myself, there was no one around.

As you can see below, it is a very nice viewing area and café at Ponds Forge and a place where Peter Hulbert often comes to write when he has a need for a change of location to write. Its often full of people but today was almost empty for some reason.

I would like to thank the staff here today who provided me with a lovely and very appreciated cup of hot chocolate with lots of froth and flavour. "B" duly appeared after what can only be described as a lifetime (1 hour) of waiting with a huge handful of bags from Christmas shopping.

I always feel quite blessed that I live in such a cultural and diverse City with some much happening on a daily basis and I hope you enjoy what I have shared with you today in my daily life blog which is focused on the antics of Peter Hulbert.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Floods Of 2016 In Sheffield

22nd November 2016

Its been quite a week here is Sheffield and in particular, the big storm took it's affect causing many problems around the county as well as the country. Many roads became unpassable and the rivers here became very dangerous and even the unstoppable Supertram was brought to a halt for a short while due to surplus water and excessive flooding. The problem with Sheffield is that we have something in common with Rome which is that we were built on seven hills and the problem with hills is that water runs down hills and causes the valleys to flood.

Sheffield suffered it's worst floods in 2007 when the river bust it's banks and hundreds of cars, homes and factories were all under water and below is a short video showing the result:

Moving away from the negative of the bad weather here and the chaos caused by the heavy rain etc, my good friend from Turkey informed me of one of his family who is in a competition to which they have a very good chance of winning with some help from the public, at this point I would like to ask for your support by viewing the details provided via the link and if you want to help them to win, I would ask that you please cast a vote to which will truly make them so happy and grateful indeed.

"Cast Your Vote Here"

Because of the disruption this week due to the weather, I do not have such a lot to say and as such I will keep this update short with the hope I have more to say toward the end of the week for you all.


24th November 2016

Its already the second part of the week and I sit and wonder where the time goes by but by the time I have worked out where the time went, I have wasted even more time so I try not to think about it but instead just reflect on what time we have left and focus on the positive of what to make of our time.

My week started out with so many good intentions and finished up full of negative energy for all the wrong reasons. We all have weeks when we have issues that come along and we can't explain why so many things we planned to happen, just didn't happen but all the things we didn't expect all arrived at once and drove us crazy trying to sort them out. Well this was my week of problems but not normal ones but long distance problems. My very good and loyal friend from far away had an accident which resulted in a fractured ankle and as anyone will tell you, a broken ankle means no walking at all but a fractured ankle means carrying on but with lots of pain and as my friend is the most committed person I know, they simply focus on what needs doing and grit there teeth and keep going. "That's what friends do for each other" as they say.  Its what separates the men from the boys.

Whilst the end of the week is nearing and getting much closer, I'm sure I will have some interesting things to share with you after the first practice after the F1 Grand Prix tomorrow.

Peter Hulbert : Floods Of Sheffield In November 2016

Peter Hulbert : Floods Of Sheffield In November 2016: 21st November 2016 The Buzz word for today is

Saturday 19 November 2016

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends

ronan keating when you say nothing at all official video

John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance

Hues Corporation - Rock The Boat (1974)

Rod Stewart - Love train (Album: Soulbook)

A Week Of Reflection

19th November 2016

It's certainly been an eventful week and many changes since I last updated this blog just over a week ago. The changes surrounding the world of Peter Hulbert could not be going any better in many ways and whilst Im still learning about people who claim to be my frinds of a long time, what I have learned is they are certainly not my friends but probably closer to enemies than friends. However, I always say that money is something that we can all make and replace, it's the education that is more valuable and I sure learned a few lessons.

I want to spend a little time sharing some information to which I have been closely guarding for a long period of time and has a marked and progressive affect on the future of myself Peter Hulbert in so many positive ways, the first of which is I have truly found some good people to surround myself with whom fill all the right criteria in so many ways, most of which are trust, loyalty and friendship which is something you can never put a price on.

One of my very close and dear friends has been studying hard at University for over 4 years to turn there lives around and become a person of status and after the 6 month run up to November of weekly exams and tests, they finally sat down this week to take the ultimate exam and final one which took some 5 hours and was amongst 500 other students taking the same exam. I am very confident that this very special person has passed with flying colours and will be officially a Doctor at the early part of 2017 and Im so proud to be called a friend and supporter of such commitment and dedication.

My week ahead is maily going to be at best dictated by the weather as winter has arrived and is about to hit quite hard on Sunday 20th. We had snow here yesterday which caused a serious accident on the woodhead pass yesterday with a car turning over and ending up upside down but whilst I can't comment on this incident directly, what I have learned by living at the end of the woodhead pass for so many years is that 99% of accidents can be avoided if drivers only slowed down, prepared in advance and took greater care. However, in reality, they need to get to their destination 30 seconds quicker that the sensible drivers and as such take all the risks and end up in a car on it's roof and passengers in hospital and putting may other peaoples lives at risk in so many ways. What I always ask myself in these circumstances is "Did they get to where they were going any quicker".......or not?.

My week ahead is looking forward to some more positive news on the horrizon from so many corners of the world, the first of which is expected any day now and should help to propel our efforts to a greater hight and focus on rectifying many wrongs and turning the corner of 2016 to a very bright 2017 for so may people connected with my life and one might argue it could not come a day quicker or be more appreciated in any way.

Monday 7 November 2016

The Start Of November 2016

7th November 2016

The week kind of crept up on me a little this week as a good friend of mine is traveling across the south China seas via coach and ferry and as such, I kind of lost my train of thought a little. However, Im back on track although my friend has still not arrived at there destination, I still have the opportunity to talk about the last few days of my life.

So, the weekend of Bonfire Night which is one of our big events in the UK came with a vengence on Saturday 5th which is the day that the kids celebrate bonfire night every year, luckily it landed on a Saturday this year but whilst they all look forward to the big day, I would beg to question is any actually know anything about the whole event as it truly stems from a sinister and dark corner of our history. Bonfire Night or to give it it's true name "Guy Fawkes Night" was the first official terrorist attack on our country and was instigated by one Guy Fawkes who somehow tunneles under our parliment building, filled the tunnel with gun powder and almost blew the place up with it's contents full of MP'S. I have no idea how he was caught and know there was no CCTV in them days but this story itself is true.

The night itself was a bit weird as just a few days before on the 31st October, I was wearing shorts outside and enjoying the warmer than adverage weather conditions, all of which were about to take a dramatic change on the 5th November when the temprature plumeted to a frosty evening with clear skies. The advantage of the night was having the clear skies allowed for a very spectacular sky full of fireworks and shadows of the brigh red bonfires

Today is the 7th of November and the week ahead looks truly bleak for the weather as snow is already landing in some parts of the UK and we are expecting a covering of snow by wednesday and as the tempratues will be - 4% for the next few days, I will assume it will snow within a day or so.

My day was given a bit of a shock when I had a joke appear from a friend of mine via my Twitter account to which was a true friend of mine from out of the blue. I was so pleased to hear from him and it's good to know he is well and doing ok.

I will enedvour to keep brining you my life via a blog and it either is interesting or boring, much like most lives really but if it does snow, I will also update you all with some pictures taken in the snow showing how the whole area and scenery can change in such a dramatic way just because of the colour of the snow and ice. This was a little boring but probably gave your day a change from the norm and it kind of reminds me of "Big Brother" and allows you all to break up your day by focussing upon mine for a short while. "Happy Day's Eh"...!!

8th November 2016

Today (Tuesday) started out by many people calling me to give me some good new. You will have to forgive me for now not sharing this news but it is rather private for now but I'm sure I will share it at a later date when the time is more appropriate.

I had to venture out today and whilst I was away from the office, decided to take the opportunity to extract some fresh air and filter it through my lungs before the Government decide to tax it.

My day took me to my Bank to conduct some small business and then on a small spending spree as a build up toward Christmas but other than that, the highlight of my day was to return home and contemplate what to make for my late dinner and in light of the predicted and pending snow, the obvious answer was to make some real winter food like stew. The final result and despite the long wait, was truly magnificent and worthy of a king.

More updates as the week goes on and as promised, I will supply some photographs of the snow if it is still here when I crawl out of my bed in the morning.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Mother Nature In Full Autumn Colour

23rd October 2016 

A walk around my local woods produced some nice opportunties to take pictures of wildlife and vegetation and below and and above was some fungi growth from a silver birch tree.

Below is a local point of interest, it has no historic significance that Im aware off but I belive it was created in order to attract interest to it as a purposeful place to rest and enjoy the views.

Above and below, I "Peter Hulbert" caught a glimpse of this very interesting and strange looking fungi which has completely covered this old tree stump and is doing it's work of breaking down the rotting wood. Too many people have a negative view of fungi but if left alone, it provides and great natural ecology to the forrests and woodland by breaking down dead and dying plant life and breaking it down and allowing it to re-generate the natural neutrients back into the soil.


2nd November 2016

Its been quite an exciting week this week for myself, it's probably because of all the Halloween activity to which I actually say my very first killer clown. I say killer Clown as that's what the press like us all to think but in reality it was a young kid about 12 years with a plastic hatchet in his hand, dressed as a clown. I just don't get what it's all about and the hysteria is going silly but like all of these things, it will come and go and eventually move on to something else.

Its bonfire night this week and a time when the British celebrate terrorism for some weird reason. We are all allowed to by highly explosive material, build dangerous fires and make lost of pollution on a grad scale. I never quite get it myself but hey ho.

The weather has been crazy so far with exceptional warm days which we are all assured with start and change from today. We are expecting severe frost and very cold nights but then it is November and we should have expected this weeks ago. The exceptional weather has created a spectacle of colour with bright orange trees and reds and golds everywhere.

The clocks went back at the weekend which gave us all an extra hour in bed, for some it creates chaos as they always forget to change the clock and as such they are at odds with the rest of the world for a few days. I'm never quite sure why we change the clocks as in truth it is more of a pain than a bonus but we are British and just go along with it.

The buzz word in politics is still BREXIT and despite the Re-Moaners, we are all set to start moving away from Europe from March 2017 when we formally put in the documents to depart, we are then allowed up to 2 years of negotiations before we slam the door closed on all of that nonsense for good "I hope". I'm a great believer in the principal of the EU but in reality it never worked and despite people saying we should stay and work to reform it all, after some 40 years of failing to achieve that, it's time to say we failed to reform any of it and cut our losses and start over. I'm proud of my country and we are an open market trading nation who's public are the most creative thinking nation on planet earth. We will pick our self up and make a success of whatever we turn our hand to. We don't stand around with our finger up our butt asking for handouts. 

I hope you enjoy my moments of updating you all on the daily thoughts and life of Peter Hulbert, it sure keeps me encouraged when I see so many reading my words and I truly thank you for that.

I kind of forgot to share with you my day of music and who I shared the car with today and as such here was my moment of harmony and pleasure as I drove from A to B today:

Can't beat a bit of Bohemian Rhapsody whilst tackling the motorways of England...!!