Thursday 1 December 2016

The Christmas Spirit Is In The Air For Peter Hulbert

1st December 2016

Wow, has it been cold in God's Own Country this week. Tempratures sropped to -9% at one point and all you could hear at night was the howling of dogs as they tried in vein to get unstuck from the lamp post.

The Christmas spirit it now in full flow due in the main to the retail outlets pushing everything into our face at every opportunity and the frost certainly brings it home to us that winter is truly here. I susspect that Santa is getting the sledge serviced ready for his one night of employment this year.

I hear as I travel round just how many people are waiting to go to there Christmas parties and in some instance a bit of a moan about feeling obliged to do so. Im always of the opinion that it is the one day/night that all of the works staff and team can relax and bond on a personal basis as apposed to a work and formal basis and it should be a great time to reflect on times that have gone by. I also feel it should be a compy duty to pay for the staff party as a way of appreciation and thank you for the hard work, commitment and dedication from the staff but sadly it's 2016 and almost always that never happens.

For me to reflect on the week gone by would be to mention all of the shops I visited this week and I feel that would bore the bigger part of you all as I truly belive that when you have seen one Marks and Spencer, you have seen them all. However, my week has been filled by interest and overall I have had a very pleasurable week filled with fun and laughter but as it was a personal event and process, perhaps it should be kept that way.

It was a very sad week from the global news when we all heard of the tragic airplane accident in Columbia where so many people both famous and public suffered there fate by what is momenterily being suggested as a lack of fuel to the aircraft causing the tragic accident and our thoughts and prayers are with those families who have suffered such a tragic loss.

Today, I went out for some lunch to catch up with some friends and my belly was aching because the laughter just grew and grew and for those interested in where I frequent, keep wondering as I can do without the comments but here are some pictures showing the inside which is a very nice place to go.

Peter Hulbert was here, 1.12.2016 


2nd December 2016 

I would like to pay a special tribute today to a very special and funny actor Mr Andrew Sachs or as we ll commonly know him as Manwell from the wonderful comedy series "Faulty Towers" who sadly passed away last night and left a huge space in the world of comedy acting and writing for someone to try and fill.

I hope you all enjoy a little crazy but very funny by way of an offering of a tribute to such a very funny actor:

Its been a very sad year for loosing people of fame and quality and I just hope their call to Heaven is for something special that may be happening up there to which the message went out to send for the best of the very best to join the party.

I was at home today and as I had a little time to spare, I decided to cook myself some evening dinner which turned out rather nice. I made chicken wrapped in smoky bacon with salad and chips to which all in all was rather nice and I can confirm it went down the hatch rather well.

I saw on the weather that tomorrow will be a drop in temprature and will be much colder than today, it is also anticipated that we will have a covering in frost overnight and to which may cause some problems for drivers who insist on driving like heros as apposed to living a sensible lifestyle like the rest of us.


5th December 2016

Its been a weird sort of a weekend with so much happening and so little reward but in life it is not always the short term gain that is important but the long term reward and my sights are firmly fixed on the target.
I enjoyed my weekend by catching up on the new Grand Tour series to which has a grand budget and clearly shows, but whilst the first edition was one I truly raved about, the second one was not quite as good for me despite all the action shots in Israel and the training camp. It was still funny but appeared to be trying to be funny rather than just naturally flowing comedy.
My day today (Monday) started in the fog and ended in super thick fog. I set off toward my local Fish & Chip shop and drove through a truly think blanket of thick fog:

As you can see by the photographs above, the fog is truly thick and resembles the staff at the Whitby Fish & Chip Shop who consistently use the same excuse as I enter the building of "We have just put some fresh fish into the fryer and it won't be long". is a Fish & Chip shop. I come here every week on different days and times but always once a week. It is BS to keep telling me the same story, you should have fish under the heater always and when it drops to just a few left, put some more in the fryer. No one wants fish or chips covered in fat, they want them drained off under the heat lamps. I wrote a comment a few weeks ago about this every day occurrence and had many replies from your customers agreeing and underlining that this happens to them too when they visit your branch in Sheffield. It is seriously bad leadership and needs addressing. I may only be Peter Hulbert but I am a customer too and you may be shocked by what a large social network following I have and the word can spread quickly when it's a negative one.


6th December 2016

Well, where do I start today?. It was chaos, chaos and more chaos today. It all started when I got up, put the kettle on and waited about 35 minuets for the kettle to boil, only to find pushed through my letter box a leaflet saying the power would be off for up to 60 minuets today and I tried to make my cuppa right in the middle of the power cut. However, tea cup finally in hand and a piece of toast to start the day, my next surprise was a call from my daughter to say she was at work and had fallen ill and her boss had suggested she goes home and as such the "Dad Taxi" was her next point of contact. My day was slowly going backward and I was still in my Jim Jam's. Ah well, onward and upward is the name of the game so first task is to inform Holmfirth that I will be at best late.
I got myself dressed, slurped my tea down and set off to the City centre in the rush hour and was pleasantly surprised to see for the most part, the traffic had died off and calmed down but parking was always going to be a problem.
I arrived in town and soon caught up with my "B" but the next problem was she announced that she kept throwing up and the last thing I needed was a car full of puke, However, we managed to make it to her home with no throwing up episodes and she went into the home, turned the heating on and as far as I'm aware after her call about an hour ago, she is not good but no worse. There are many bugs flying round at this time of year, partly due to the weird weather and just to give you an example, 2 days ago it was -8% here but tomorrow it is predicted to be warmer than Greece and as such it plays havoc with your normal way of thinking and encourages germs to thrive, suffice to say they day was eventually blown out of the water and I decided to focus on paperwork and catch up and as such, I returned to Firkem Hall and carried on with creating work.
