Sunday 11 December 2016

Its A Mad Mad Crazy World.

11th December 2016

A week of utter excitement and weirdness from all corners which started out quite well at first but may have been a fake storm warning as the week soon took a turn for the worse. I have suffered the worst fate ever of living next to a pair of weirdo's to whom are like the family from hell, they shout abuse to people in the street, they swear they truly are the lowlife from Hell are Mr Steven Fawcett & Janet Fawcett the family to nobody ever speaks to. They have been involved in Dog fighting, street brawls and every foul mouthed verbal exchange ever with people on what should be a truly quiet street, but Stephen Fawcett is a drinker who can't go without and drinkers are always unstable and unbalanced and as such to be treated with an air of caution. The woman "Janet falls out with everyone in the end and is known as the nasty bitch to the locals, However, I was starting to explain how there misery passed my way this week. It started with a visit from the local Police liaison officer who said my neighbour was making a complaint about me and suggested that the garden had possibly been poisoned with something, to which all I can say is maybe yes, maybe no but to which I had no knowledge about, suffice to say the officer made clear the matter was ended and he would report back to them. This should be the end of the matter but I always recognise that in some people, especially volatile, there is never an end and when they thought there was nobody watching and they assumed I was out, I caught them doing something weird and here is the video that clearly shows Stephen Fawcett sprinkling something on his garden area and one might suggest he is deliberately trying to make something happen or suggest this was something that I may have caused. However, if you read the instructions of weed killer, it will tell you it acts within 24 hours and as there complaint refers to 11 days ago, it clearly has nothing to do with me. Please see the video below and I'm sure you will agree, Mr Fawcett is clearly seen sprinkling something on his plants etc.

I always like to use the expression "There is no fool like an old fool" and if you are trying to make out that someone has played in your garden, make sure you are not stupid enough to get caught planting the evidence yourself.
