Friday 16 December 2016

9 Days To The Fat Guy Calling.

16th December 2016

I'm getting rather bored with the Christmas theme now and as I travel up and down the country, I appear to be in the majority as apposed to minority, I put this down to Christmas starting so early and dragging on a little too long.

The question I am most confronted by as I travel is "What are your plan's for 2017" and I can safely say at this point I have not committed to anything that I cannot change at this moment but as and when I have decided, you can be assured I will not share them in public. I will however be doing some very important things that will affect my life forever and as they are personal, you can simply be left wondering what, when and why for now. I have provided a picture to the right from a very famous movie and as a requisite to see if you actually read this blog, I would ask that if you know your movies, you say below the name of this classic comedy to which caused so much controversy back in the 1970s.
Next week sees the beginning of the end of the Christmas shopping madness and then we will start seeing the holiday adverts on the TV, followed shortly afterwards with Easter Eggs in the shops and spring clothing on the rails in the cloths shops and retailers. Life is so predictable these days.

As the days move on toward the big day, my thoughts are toward the people whom due to circumstance beyond there control are suffering for reasons not created by them selves and all too often are the cause of politicians whom create the economic struggle and have no sense of either morals or sensitivity in any way, shape or form. I saw on the news the affects of Syria and the huge attack and assault on Aleppo and find it indefensible and inexcusable how the United Nations simply stand back and allow this while they sit around debate, debate and more debate about what they will not do to stop this. I always call the United Nations "The Mass Debaters" whom are paid huge salaries to which they do not ever have to justify. If I commit any time to anything next year, it will be to support a humanitarian cause and my present feeling and focus is toward "Greenpeace" whom offer a degree and mixture of both hope, reality and forward thinking associated with both humanity and environment. My advice is you keen an eye upon for my making an announcement at some early part of 2017, perhaps toward the spring time and I'm sure the news will be exciting and positive for so many reasons.

I'm reliably informed that Christmas should be traditional and Robbins at some point should appear, just how this works in Dubai or Australia is beyond me where they are both having a very warm spell right now. However, robins were the request and toward the right and just like magic, they appear. You may be aware that one of my many passions is Bird Watching and the study of birds and for those who know about Robins, this picture is quite a rare event as Robins are very territorial and when meeting other robins, almost always ends in a ferocious fight to the end in many instances. One might argue this is a female feeding it's young but looking at the snow on the branch, I would say that can't be correct as it is too early or late in the year to produce young for a Robin and as such I just suggest perhaps it is a fake picture or a very tolerant pair which truly is a rare event for these birds.

 I would like to just offer a word to all of our families, friends and supporters of Christianity that you should not turn away from your faith, your belief or trust in your faith, just because it may offend others. You should rejoice in your strength of character and be prepared to keep your tradition going despite others. It is not for you to hide in the shadows and feel ashamed of your belief but quite the contrary, it should be left to others to respect your belief and allow you your moment of humanity to celebrate your choice in supporting your faith. It says more about you as a person that it does about those who protest and as such I would urge you to stand tall in every way and be proud of your choice.
My week ahead is a very unpredictable one in as much as I'm guided by others and there diary, schedule and timetable but as everyone is in Christmas madness mood, I might suggest that it will be a quiet week ahead and that little if anything may happen in my life of any significance except if I get a call of importance to which I may have to attend of deal with in some way.

My Final words are a message of hope to all around the world that peace is better than war, love is better than hate and whichever God you worship, lets all learn to respect all faiths no matter how extreme or diverse. We all have our space on planet earth and it's time to learn to be tolerant of others so we can focus of living in a better place within our own hearts and minds. "Merry Christmas" to you all for 2016.

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