Friday 23 December 2016

48 Hours To A "Peter Hulbert" Christmas..!!

23rd December 2016

I suppose the time has come to all of us when we have to sercome to the "Merry Christmas" to you all bit and bow to the Big Fat Guy and admit defeat. It's not a very popular club to be a member of the "Old Misserable B_stard Club for Christmas.

So I gave in......."So What"..!! You have no idea how lonely the misserable club is and as such I have decided to give up my lifetime membership and join the rest of the world in enjoying my Christmas in the knowing that my New Year has a few surprises in store and with no reflecting on what could have been or what should have been but was is going to be instead. I left my home today and travelled across my City in what on the face of it was quite a sombre atmosphere but in reality, I think it was just people focused upon getting home safe to be with there families etc.

Im going to start todays update with a message of change and hope for those who spend so much time trying to hurt others. Just take a step back and ask yourself why your life is shit......!!. The answer is simply that you are wasting so much of it on negative thoughts and ideas instead of channelling your energy into making a success of your own life, what you are doing is spending time trying to wreck others, I laugh at it because in truth those types of people will crawl up there own asshole and do it to themselves and why waste time doing it for them. I have discovered that kidness has far more to offer than hatred and love has more benefits than agression but them my world was never an easy one but it sure is calm these days and with a new plan and new focus, just bring on 2017 is all I can say.

The one good thing about this time of year is that it brings together so many crazy people with happines in their lives to share with so many other happy people. Whilst I would endorse this phylosophy 100%, I would aslo say that the ladies to the right perhaps took the meaning of have fun a little too far. However, who am I to critisise, after all, I just left the "Old Misserable B_stards club" so I have no room to talk. I was so impressed today when I was in my local City and saw so many people still shopping for those last minuet presents in order to bring someone a moment of happiness on Christmas day.

I brought you this picture to bring you a small incication of whats in my life very soon and whilst the location will remain private to myself, what I will say is that it's goodbye to the old and hello to the new world and life. I have no intention of repeating the mistakes of the past but instead have a whole new world and benefits to which the fool who has been tracking me so closely could only ever dream about and the Hansel and Grettel pathway that I so cleary allowed you to follow, was in fact the one designed for an idiot to follow to the point of you are a million miles away with you efforts. However, it was good fun doing it and Google very kindly provided out team with the IP address's from where all the clicks were coming from, so good luck and good riddens. An asshole is always an asshloe and clearly you are the king or Queen of assholes for the worthless effort you went to. My 2017 is very much mapped out and yours is sitting un your hairy ass wondering why life dealt you such a low blow, the truth is you dealt it to yourself and it's commonly called Karma.

I want to leave this blog by saying a huge thank you to all of the wonderful freinds and supporters I have constantly around me who pick me up, kick my butt and encourage me in so many ways. In particular, I want to thank one very special friend of mine to whom is my "Silver Bullet" and to whom I never reveal whom that is but suffice to say was there when others showed there true colours and despite the distance between us at this present moment in time, I am so proud and honoured to be so close to such a truly loyal and wonderful person of whom will one day be sharing a totally different lifestyle in a whole new and differing world to the one they are used to now. All I can say is the medical world will soon wake up to a whole new tallent whom is driven by kindness and commitment beyond what most peoples dedication
level and ability.

I will end this post on a possitive note and leave you all in the thought that 2017 can always be a better one than we left behind in 2016 and whilst many people will want to be a friend of your pocket, there pocket will rarely ever want to be a friend of yours and with that philosophy in mind, beware of the friend in need.....!!
I will be in and around for a few weeks in the early part of 2017 and I will of course be updating the posts but now that some of the cat is out of some of the bag, it is only in an "Up Yours" type of post as apposed to a focus of ranking etc as I have removed the bits you attack in the place where I will be and as such, I don't give a F_ck How Much Time You Waste Clicking....!!

"Merry Christmas To My Friends" & I truly wish you all a very positive New Year in whatever your dreams are focused on.