Friday 30 December 2016

Out With The Old And In With The New Year.

30th December 2016 

I want to cover today with a more positive tone and outlokk as dwelling on the past is not what I really do but looking forward to a new venture, new chapter and new life is a more postive way to deal with things for me.

Today and as a result of the high pressure bringing such bright blue skies, golden sunshine and fresh air in the breeze brought the ideal opportunity to venture out and capture some quality air and reality in my life and as such I took a short trip out to the land of sheep and cows with flowing streams, crystal clear rivers and deep dark lakes that surround my world in abundance and below is just a few snaps and views for which I hope you enjoy.

As you can see by the skyline, the colours were something of a specatcle, with the sun reflecting from the underside of the clouds, it creates and elusion of the cloud being pink but reflecting from the mirror image of the calm lake, creates an even bigger spectacle and theatre of calm. The opportunity to think life out and clear my mind is created within this picture for so many reasons.

The video above provides a good sense of just how quiet and serene it really is here, the sound of silence is only ever broken by the occasional Ba or Moo from the local livestock and the views are spectacular in all directions. Im just a short walk from an area known locally as "Little Switzerland" because of it's very stunning views that one might easily assume is a location within the country of Switzerland. The only clue that Im still in God's own country is the accent of the locals which is a total reasurace that Im not lost of wondered off to far off lands. You will note in the ditance on this video that they are buring some of the heather back which allows it to grow back even stronger next year to provide food for the Grouse which live here quite freely in abundance. The lake at the bottom and in the distance is part of series of lakes all flowing from one to the other in a series of steps and form a small part of the water supply here in this area. The silence here is quite disturbing but truly lovely. It's the only time I can not hear myself think because of the distraction of silence.

This is a local view of one of the lakes from about halfway down the valley, you will note the pure stillness & blackness of the water and the the mirror immage created by this affect. It's not really black water, in truth it's very clean but when the sun goes down in the west, it creates a dark shadow on the water and this gives the impresion of the water appearing the be black. To the right of this picture and in the centre of the valley is my City of Sheffield, famous for being build on severn hills, the same as Rome.
Back down at lakeside level, you can experience the beauty of the colours created naturally by the sun setting in the west and relecting upon the lake. There are still many people walking and running the length of the lake and it's nice to see so many appreciate the world that we live in and taking the opportunity to embrace the nature that surrounds them.

6th January 2017

The first week of a new year is always something of a somber affair for so many reasons, I assume it's slightly because we remember the negative things from the previous year and also look forward to the new years tasks with in-trepidation for so many differing reasons. For me, it's with an open mind and positive attitude of whats to come.

I do not wish to dwell too much on the negative aspects of 2016 but I do wish to spare a thought for so many people who did not make it here with us all for whatever reason and the list of famous people who didn't make it was nothing more than a growing list toward the end and so sad for so many fans and supporters of the talents and charms of those people whom we all were left with a prayer in our hearts for. By now, most of us are over the Christmas celebrations and are left with the aftermath of the turmoil it all created for such a long time.

My week has been a quiet one although yesterday had a surprise in store and a sting in the tail but it was something of a negative and the water has passed under that bridge already.

My Twitter account has been very busy with many new followers in the build up to Christmas which was nice and my Facebook account as always has been very lively h both comedy and likes and on occasions some truly memorable material from the picture corner. For those who made the commitment of a New Years Resolution, I wish you good luck with your conquest but statistics would suggest that the 27th January will quickly see an end to the commitment but I truly hope you prove me wrong. I made one commitment to which I absolutely will not break in any way and that is not to make a New Years Resolution if I can't keep to it, so to that end I decided to make none at all of which I will stick to,