Wednesday 11 January 2017

I Made It To 2017

11th January 2017

I want to start the post by wishing you a Happy New Year but in truth, everyone else has done that for you too and I'm probably the last to do so, but hey ho.....better late than never.

I have started a new blog on Wordpress to which you may be interested to read at some point and if you do, I would value your opinion and feedback. "Please be brutal and honest"

The weather here in God's own country of Yorkshire has changed quite dramatically with the temperatures dropping rapidly and the wind being so strong and reaching 95 mph over night. Heavy snow is expected in the next few days and will probably start tomorrow at some point but it's England and as always, we will moan about the weather if it's too cold, too hot, too windy and too rainy we moan. "It's  British thing and we do it so well".

I have been quite busy today with work etc and the new year always sees me catching my breath a little with things that I probably should have done before the new year following me forward to eventually haunt me in the new year and remind me that they should be done and not ignored. I have much running up and down over the following weeks to far off places where I rarely go for pleasure but enjoy going for business both here and afar and at this point will say no more about where.

  Over the last few months, I sure have learned a lot about myself and my life and to the right is a wonderful quote from John Lennon that sums it up so well and refers to the people so close to me that I missed the point that they were never to be trusted but really were the enemy in disguise. Such is life that we often miss that as it is truly so obvious but sadly we are all blind when it comes to judgement of others so close. Friends are only friends when they are a friend in need, when in reality a friend should be someone who gives you support, love and kindness in your hours of need and not use the advantage of weakness to manipulate your final outcome or fate. However, as many well say, the most advantageous thing we can acquire in life is the education and it is worth far more than money in so many ways. Well done John Lennon for such a wonderful message that is just so true today.


30th January 2017

What can I say about the last few weeks that the press world wide have not already said in abundance?. Is the world going crazy or am I the only own going nut's and everyone else has found a safety zone.

The USA has not got it's newly elected President, the UK has signalled it is now ready to break away from the EU and the press now publish stories that are 100% fake and it's officially called "Fake News"......what is the point, I ask myself in total ignorance......Well apparently there is a point. It can affect the outcome of peoples consciousness to make a rational decision such as vote, debate etc. An example would be to use the USA elections 2 days before the vote and if a story went out saying one candidate was hiding a series of murders and bodies that had been found by the FBI as a direct link to a potential winner, it could affect many peoples votes for a short term but just long enough to falsify the outcome........Hmmmm,,, I'm sorry to speak my mind but I truly do not like this and I'm inclined to agree with the new President that there is no need for this. For me, the press should behave responsibly and not in a way to deliberately discredit someone...!!

The start of my week was at best a weird one but at least was full of something worthwhile and excitement. The opportunity to go forward became a little clearer and whilst I often feel quite like the chap to the left, except he smokes and I do not, the amusement of my world is at best described as entertaining in so many ways.
I'm heading out to far off places tomorrow and I may elaborate on this more as the week goes on as it is directly linked to business and progress. The best I can share with you at this moment is stay positive and focused and all good things will come our way. Only the defeated stay defeated and until the war is ended, I'm not defeated but re-grouping in preparation for the first of many battles to come and woe betide anyone that takes me to the battlefield as they will end up on the wrong side and I'm in no mood to take any prisoners in 2017. I anticipate much mud slinging over the forth coming months and the difference between the enemy and the allies is often the way they speak and not what uniform they wear.  

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