Wednesday 26 October 2016

Mother Nature In Full Autumn Colour

23rd October 2016 

A walk around my local woods produced some nice opportunties to take pictures of wildlife and vegetation and below and and above was some fungi growth from a silver birch tree.

Below is a local point of interest, it has no historic significance that Im aware off but I belive it was created in order to attract interest to it as a purposeful place to rest and enjoy the views.

Above and below, I "Peter Hulbert" caught a glimpse of this very interesting and strange looking fungi which has completely covered this old tree stump and is doing it's work of breaking down the rotting wood. Too many people have a negative view of fungi but if left alone, it provides and great natural ecology to the forrests and woodland by breaking down dead and dying plant life and breaking it down and allowing it to re-generate the natural neutrients back into the soil.


2nd November 2016

Its been quite an exciting week this week for myself, it's probably because of all the Halloween activity to which I actually say my very first killer clown. I say killer Clown as that's what the press like us all to think but in reality it was a young kid about 12 years with a plastic hatchet in his hand, dressed as a clown. I just don't get what it's all about and the hysteria is going silly but like all of these things, it will come and go and eventually move on to something else.

Its bonfire night this week and a time when the British celebrate terrorism for some weird reason. We are all allowed to by highly explosive material, build dangerous fires and make lost of pollution on a grad scale. I never quite get it myself but hey ho.

The weather has been crazy so far with exceptional warm days which we are all assured with start and change from today. We are expecting severe frost and very cold nights but then it is November and we should have expected this weeks ago. The exceptional weather has created a spectacle of colour with bright orange trees and reds and golds everywhere.

The clocks went back at the weekend which gave us all an extra hour in bed, for some it creates chaos as they always forget to change the clock and as such they are at odds with the rest of the world for a few days. I'm never quite sure why we change the clocks as in truth it is more of a pain than a bonus but we are British and just go along with it.

The buzz word in politics is still BREXIT and despite the Re-Moaners, we are all set to start moving away from Europe from March 2017 when we formally put in the documents to depart, we are then allowed up to 2 years of negotiations before we slam the door closed on all of that nonsense for good "I hope". I'm a great believer in the principal of the EU but in reality it never worked and despite people saying we should stay and work to reform it all, after some 40 years of failing to achieve that, it's time to say we failed to reform any of it and cut our losses and start over. I'm proud of my country and we are an open market trading nation who's public are the most creative thinking nation on planet earth. We will pick our self up and make a success of whatever we turn our hand to. We don't stand around with our finger up our butt asking for handouts. 

I hope you enjoy my moments of updating you all on the daily thoughts and life of Peter Hulbert, it sure keeps me encouraged when I see so many reading my words and I truly thank you for that.

I kind of forgot to share with you my day of music and who I shared the car with today and as such here was my moment of harmony and pleasure as I drove from A to B today:

Can't beat a bit of Bohemian Rhapsody whilst tackling the motorways of England...!!