Sunday 16 October 2016

Peter Hulbert and his Sunday of Music

16 th October 2016 

Its one of those typical Auntumn days, it's windy, its raing and then the sun comes out and all you feel like doing is going for some fresh air but you can't think where to go and as I have no one to go with, it simply means that life alone is a strange place and never a happy one to be caught up in.

I looked out of the window and watched the leaves falling from the trees and it is all too apparent that the treees will all soon be so bare which is the final reminder that winter will soon be upon us and the gound will start to glisten with the sparkle of frost and possible snow, how quick the seasons move forward and life itself just appears to stands so still.

In the end I chose to revert to my headphones and music and the latest album from Van Morrison was enough to convince me that it's not all bad and the world can be forgiven if you find it in your heart to do so and as always, the inspiration to write comes from reverting to wise and comforting words from music and the silence of my own company and solitary surroundings.

Im looking forward to a more positive week ahead with much happening all around and with my firends all keeping in touch, it is still good place to be if not always viewed that way.

I always have one expression that I always keep to myself when my back is to the wall, "If Peter Hulbert can't turn it round no body can" and that is usually enough to pick my chin off the ground.

I noticed over the last few days that Christmas has started to rear it's head on TV adverts such as furniture etc, I suppose I would be called grumpy if I were to say it's too early but in Peter Hulbert and his world, it sure is early but in furniture world I suppose it is certainly not.

Im looking forward to having a beer later and perhaps an evening walk alone in the park to enjoy the smells of autumn with all the falling leaves and fungus that appears, its always a great feeling walking through the fallen leaves and kicking them like a child would. Im quite lucky as I live 100 yards from a lake and it's always got something of interest happening there, sometimes it's ducks and others it is fishermen having some time thinking and quietly stalking the fish.

I will say goodbye for today and will try and keep the blog going as long as I have created some interest to those who find some value in my worlds of which I am no professional but enjoy the moment of peace gained through writing my thoughts and sharing them with anyone who reads them.

God Bless You All

Peter Hulbert