Monday 7 November 2016

The Start Of November 2016

7th November 2016

The week kind of crept up on me a little this week as a good friend of mine is traveling across the south China seas via coach and ferry and as such, I kind of lost my train of thought a little. However, Im back on track although my friend has still not arrived at there destination, I still have the opportunity to talk about the last few days of my life.

So, the weekend of Bonfire Night which is one of our big events in the UK came with a vengence on Saturday 5th which is the day that the kids celebrate bonfire night every year, luckily it landed on a Saturday this year but whilst they all look forward to the big day, I would beg to question is any actually know anything about the whole event as it truly stems from a sinister and dark corner of our history. Bonfire Night or to give it it's true name "Guy Fawkes Night" was the first official terrorist attack on our country and was instigated by one Guy Fawkes who somehow tunneles under our parliment building, filled the tunnel with gun powder and almost blew the place up with it's contents full of MP'S. I have no idea how he was caught and know there was no CCTV in them days but this story itself is true.

The night itself was a bit weird as just a few days before on the 31st October, I was wearing shorts outside and enjoying the warmer than adverage weather conditions, all of which were about to take a dramatic change on the 5th November when the temprature plumeted to a frosty evening with clear skies. The advantage of the night was having the clear skies allowed for a very spectacular sky full of fireworks and shadows of the brigh red bonfires

Today is the 7th of November and the week ahead looks truly bleak for the weather as snow is already landing in some parts of the UK and we are expecting a covering of snow by wednesday and as the tempratues will be - 4% for the next few days, I will assume it will snow within a day or so.

My day was given a bit of a shock when I had a joke appear from a friend of mine via my Twitter account to which was a true friend of mine from out of the blue. I was so pleased to hear from him and it's good to know he is well and doing ok.

I will enedvour to keep brining you my life via a blog and it either is interesting or boring, much like most lives really but if it does snow, I will also update you all with some pictures taken in the snow showing how the whole area and scenery can change in such a dramatic way just because of the colour of the snow and ice. This was a little boring but probably gave your day a change from the norm and it kind of reminds me of "Big Brother" and allows you all to break up your day by focussing upon mine for a short while. "Happy Day's Eh"...!!

8th November 2016

Today (Tuesday) started out by many people calling me to give me some good new. You will have to forgive me for now not sharing this news but it is rather private for now but I'm sure I will share it at a later date when the time is more appropriate.

I had to venture out today and whilst I was away from the office, decided to take the opportunity to extract some fresh air and filter it through my lungs before the Government decide to tax it.

My day took me to my Bank to conduct some small business and then on a small spending spree as a build up toward Christmas but other than that, the highlight of my day was to return home and contemplate what to make for my late dinner and in light of the predicted and pending snow, the obvious answer was to make some real winter food like stew. The final result and despite the long wait, was truly magnificent and worthy of a king.

More updates as the week goes on and as promised, I will supply some photographs of the snow if it is still here when I crawl out of my bed in the morning.