Friday 25 November 2016

Bing Crosby & David Bowie - Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy 1977

Slade - Merry Christmas Everybody + Lyrics

Sarah Brightman AVE MARIA

Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You

The End Of Another Week

25th November 2016

I can safely say that today was one of those better days of which I would like to share with you all. My day started rather late but who cares as it was a Friday and they are too much like Mondays. However, I left home for lunch and decided to take a picture of the venue for lunch and the entrance area was so well laid out in preparation for Christmas.

The day was all set for perfection as my Burger and chips turned up and were as expected, "perfect". This place used to be a mad house some 6 months ago and not a place I would ever frequent but the owners took a serious look at the market potential and changed it's focus toward a family focused place in which to relax and enjoy, previously it was a crazy place full of reprobate families with offensive kids with no respect.

Its quite rare for me to have a sweet but as the price was 2 for £2.50, who am I to argue and it was a delight. Chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce and ice cream. If that made your mouth water, I can confirm it was absolutely wonderful and went down a treat.

As predicted, I was forced under duress to taste the local beer of San Miguel which once again went down a treat and was truly refreshing and full of life.

After leaving the Pub, I set off for town where I was meeting "B" as I have not seen them for over a week and as such I called at there office but they were not ready. As I did not wish to hang around, I decided to walk 50 yards to the local public swimming pool where it has a café and warm comfortable seating area with wifi where I could wait for "B" to join me. As you will see below, it was anything but busy and apart from myself, there was no one around.

As you can see below, it is a very nice viewing area and café at Ponds Forge and a place where Peter Hulbert often comes to write when he has a need for a change of location to write. Its often full of people but today was almost empty for some reason.

I would like to thank the staff here today who provided me with a lovely and very appreciated cup of hot chocolate with lots of froth and flavour. "B" duly appeared after what can only be described as a lifetime (1 hour) of waiting with a huge handful of bags from Christmas shopping.

I always feel quite blessed that I live in such a cultural and diverse City with some much happening on a daily basis and I hope you enjoy what I have shared with you today in my daily life blog which is focused on the antics of Peter Hulbert.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Floods Of 2016 In Sheffield

22nd November 2016

Its been quite a week here is Sheffield and in particular, the big storm took it's affect causing many problems around the county as well as the country. Many roads became unpassable and the rivers here became very dangerous and even the unstoppable Supertram was brought to a halt for a short while due to surplus water and excessive flooding. The problem with Sheffield is that we have something in common with Rome which is that we were built on seven hills and the problem with hills is that water runs down hills and causes the valleys to flood.

Sheffield suffered it's worst floods in 2007 when the river bust it's banks and hundreds of cars, homes and factories were all under water and below is a short video showing the result:

Moving away from the negative of the bad weather here and the chaos caused by the heavy rain etc, my good friend from Turkey informed me of one of his family who is in a competition to which they have a very good chance of winning with some help from the public, at this point I would like to ask for your support by viewing the details provided via the link and if you want to help them to win, I would ask that you please cast a vote to which will truly make them so happy and grateful indeed.

"Cast Your Vote Here"

Because of the disruption this week due to the weather, I do not have such a lot to say and as such I will keep this update short with the hope I have more to say toward the end of the week for you all.


24th November 2016

Its already the second part of the week and I sit and wonder where the time goes by but by the time I have worked out where the time went, I have wasted even more time so I try not to think about it but instead just reflect on what time we have left and focus on the positive of what to make of our time.

My week started out with so many good intentions and finished up full of negative energy for all the wrong reasons. We all have weeks when we have issues that come along and we can't explain why so many things we planned to happen, just didn't happen but all the things we didn't expect all arrived at once and drove us crazy trying to sort them out. Well this was my week of problems but not normal ones but long distance problems. My very good and loyal friend from far away had an accident which resulted in a fractured ankle and as anyone will tell you, a broken ankle means no walking at all but a fractured ankle means carrying on but with lots of pain and as my friend is the most committed person I know, they simply focus on what needs doing and grit there teeth and keep going. "That's what friends do for each other" as they say.  Its what separates the men from the boys.

Whilst the end of the week is nearing and getting much closer, I'm sure I will have some interesting things to share with you after the first practice after the F1 Grand Prix tomorrow.

Peter Hulbert : Floods Of Sheffield In November 2016

Peter Hulbert : Floods Of Sheffield In November 2016: 21st November 2016 The Buzz word for today is

Saturday 19 November 2016

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends

ronan keating when you say nothing at all official video

John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance

Hues Corporation - Rock The Boat (1974)

Rod Stewart - Love train (Album: Soulbook)

A Week Of Reflection

19th November 2016

It's certainly been an eventful week and many changes since I last updated this blog just over a week ago. The changes surrounding the world of Peter Hulbert could not be going any better in many ways and whilst Im still learning about people who claim to be my frinds of a long time, what I have learned is they are certainly not my friends but probably closer to enemies than friends. However, I always say that money is something that we can all make and replace, it's the education that is more valuable and I sure learned a few lessons.

I want to spend a little time sharing some information to which I have been closely guarding for a long period of time and has a marked and progressive affect on the future of myself Peter Hulbert in so many positive ways, the first of which is I have truly found some good people to surround myself with whom fill all the right criteria in so many ways, most of which are trust, loyalty and friendship which is something you can never put a price on.

One of my very close and dear friends has been studying hard at University for over 4 years to turn there lives around and become a person of status and after the 6 month run up to November of weekly exams and tests, they finally sat down this week to take the ultimate exam and final one which took some 5 hours and was amongst 500 other students taking the same exam. I am very confident that this very special person has passed with flying colours and will be officially a Doctor at the early part of 2017 and Im so proud to be called a friend and supporter of such commitment and dedication.

My week ahead is maily going to be at best dictated by the weather as winter has arrived and is about to hit quite hard on Sunday 20th. We had snow here yesterday which caused a serious accident on the woodhead pass yesterday with a car turning over and ending up upside down but whilst I can't comment on this incident directly, what I have learned by living at the end of the woodhead pass for so many years is that 99% of accidents can be avoided if drivers only slowed down, prepared in advance and took greater care. However, in reality, they need to get to their destination 30 seconds quicker that the sensible drivers and as such take all the risks and end up in a car on it's roof and passengers in hospital and putting may other peaoples lives at risk in so many ways. What I always ask myself in these circumstances is "Did they get to where they were going any quicker".......or not?.

My week ahead is looking forward to some more positive news on the horrizon from so many corners of the world, the first of which is expected any day now and should help to propel our efforts to a greater hight and focus on rectifying many wrongs and turning the corner of 2016 to a very bright 2017 for so may people connected with my life and one might argue it could not come a day quicker or be more appreciated in any way.

Monday 7 November 2016

The Start Of November 2016

7th November 2016

The week kind of crept up on me a little this week as a good friend of mine is traveling across the south China seas via coach and ferry and as such, I kind of lost my train of thought a little. However, Im back on track although my friend has still not arrived at there destination, I still have the opportunity to talk about the last few days of my life.

So, the weekend of Bonfire Night which is one of our big events in the UK came with a vengence on Saturday 5th which is the day that the kids celebrate bonfire night every year, luckily it landed on a Saturday this year but whilst they all look forward to the big day, I would beg to question is any actually know anything about the whole event as it truly stems from a sinister and dark corner of our history. Bonfire Night or to give it it's true name "Guy Fawkes Night" was the first official terrorist attack on our country and was instigated by one Guy Fawkes who somehow tunneles under our parliment building, filled the tunnel with gun powder and almost blew the place up with it's contents full of MP'S. I have no idea how he was caught and know there was no CCTV in them days but this story itself is true.

The night itself was a bit weird as just a few days before on the 31st October, I was wearing shorts outside and enjoying the warmer than adverage weather conditions, all of which were about to take a dramatic change on the 5th November when the temprature plumeted to a frosty evening with clear skies. The advantage of the night was having the clear skies allowed for a very spectacular sky full of fireworks and shadows of the brigh red bonfires

Today is the 7th of November and the week ahead looks truly bleak for the weather as snow is already landing in some parts of the UK and we are expecting a covering of snow by wednesday and as the tempratues will be - 4% for the next few days, I will assume it will snow within a day or so.

My day was given a bit of a shock when I had a joke appear from a friend of mine via my Twitter account to which was a true friend of mine from out of the blue. I was so pleased to hear from him and it's good to know he is well and doing ok.

I will enedvour to keep brining you my life via a blog and it either is interesting or boring, much like most lives really but if it does snow, I will also update you all with some pictures taken in the snow showing how the whole area and scenery can change in such a dramatic way just because of the colour of the snow and ice. This was a little boring but probably gave your day a change from the norm and it kind of reminds me of "Big Brother" and allows you all to break up your day by focussing upon mine for a short while. "Happy Day's Eh"...!!

8th November 2016

Today (Tuesday) started out by many people calling me to give me some good new. You will have to forgive me for now not sharing this news but it is rather private for now but I'm sure I will share it at a later date when the time is more appropriate.

I had to venture out today and whilst I was away from the office, decided to take the opportunity to extract some fresh air and filter it through my lungs before the Government decide to tax it.

My day took me to my Bank to conduct some small business and then on a small spending spree as a build up toward Christmas but other than that, the highlight of my day was to return home and contemplate what to make for my late dinner and in light of the predicted and pending snow, the obvious answer was to make some real winter food like stew. The final result and despite the long wait, was truly magnificent and worthy of a king.

More updates as the week goes on and as promised, I will supply some photographs of the snow if it is still here when I crawl out of my bed in the morning.