Monday 26 November 2018

Oh What A Week....!!

26th November 2018

Hi everyone, I'm sorry for the delay in writing and updating but I have been out of the office and far away for a while and the last thought on my mind was writing BS about my daily life. However, I'm back in a fashion and thought I would enlighten you all that I am at least not dead although many will be disappointed to hear that.

"So, where have you been I hear you ask" Hmm, not sure I should say except that it was very pretty and surrounded by mountains with snow on most of them. Im hoping to return there in the next 14 days and if/when I do, I will take some pictures to share with you and if all goes well, I might even decide to stay there through Christmas and into the New Year.

I see that BREXIT is still a huge topic to which Im bored of hearing about but I stand by my decision and the one thing I have learned throughout all of this madness is that the people who lie the most are politicians and there ability to be focused purely on selfish reasons is shocking at best.

 The so called "Meaningful Vote" is scheduled for the 9th December 2018 & whilst I rarely if ever discuss my views in these areas, I'm pretty sure that most people know how I feel and if there is any justice, I hope we are rewarded by winning the war after so many battles. I understand that Tommy Robinson is organising a March/Protest around that time in support of leave means leave and I expect many people to attend that & whilst I hope I'm wrong, I do predict it might get nasty and violent and for that reason, I will not be attending. However, I hope the march is a success but I also hope it remains peaceful for all involved as these things do have a habit of escalating into something totally different to what it was originally organised to draw attention to and for that reason, I want no part of it or to be anywhere near to this event.
We had snow last week and this signals the start of whats about to come and I truly hope it is not going to be a long and cold winter this year although we do need the water but it seems to take forever to get through winter where summer is over in a blink of an eye. What I would say in support of winter is it always provides an excellent opportunity for myself "Peter Hulbert" for some decent photo opportunities.   

27th December 2018

So, who would have guessed that it was one month and one day since I updated this blog and in between that time we have all managed to escape some of the madness of the festive period although in the reality of life, it is impossible to totally avoid Christmas and I (Peter Hulbert) am no exception to that rule. I have to say that Christmas was as expected a period of crazy spending and stupid emotions but what can one realistically expect when you are buying presents for family. So, enough about me and my crazy lifestyle, how was your Christmas as did it live up to expectations or was it over-inflated and all about TV & food.

One of the many problems that many of us face over Christmas is the issue of waste-line expansion and whilst we all plan to look good through this time, we put so much stress on our bodies through overindulging on the things that we all like and enjoy and come January, we are stuck with the problem of excess body fat and all of those new cloths no longer fit until March when we have spend 6-8 weeks trying to remove the mince pie and Christmas pudding. The rest of us simply pile on the calories through Carbohydrates, often through alcohol or cake. So what are we going to do about it in 2019 that we didn't do in 2018, sadly the same old lie of diet for the holidays but we tried that in 2018 and sadly it turned out to be a lie in full. The reality is that we need to be stronger with our focus and determination in 2019 and I for one am committed to doing exactly that. I also invite anyone along to join me starting January 1st 2019 and my target is a big one but Im very confident I will reach it through sheer will power and support. I have so far escaped any alcohol over Christmas but do expect to share a few on the New Year's Night twice and for those who don't understand why I say twice, one celebration is with someone special who is 8 hours ahead of me on the international time zone and they in turn return back to share my midnight & 1st day of the new year and as such, I get to benefit twice. The very fact that I (Peter Hulbert) have managed not to take a drink so far in itself is a miracle but I at least proved to myself that I could do it.
Typically, we are having some weird weather in the UK and after the warmest summer on record, we have yet to see the winter of frost and snow, although I am under no elusion that it won't happen as it always does. It's never a case of if but always a case of when the cold weather appears and causes madness on the roads for the period we have a picture post card look all around. In 2018, we had snow all the way through to March which was not a freak but quite a normal period of ice and snow in my part of the world. All I ask is that we balance the scales when summer arrives and we once again get a good one that brings out the best in people.

We are due another spectacle of rarity in January and whilst Im not clear of the date, I do know that a blood moon or red moon is coming again and by all accounts will be quite special again like the last one was. If you have not seen or experienced one before, I recommend you turn your flash off on your camera or phone and take a few snaps. I tell you this because if you try and take it with the flash engaged, you will simply get back flash and little or no image and the reflection of the light will distort the colour of the red moon and all you will end up with is at best a white moon but more likely just a black screen with bright white reflective image glowing through. 

30th December 2018    

24 hours left to the big day and as I write this update, all I have in my mind is this will be the very last Sunday of 2018 and whilst I'm not known for being a soppy person, when I look back over the years and reflect on whats happened, I can't help but feel a little tearful of so many loss's and so many people who won't be around in 2019 to share our space on planet earth with. I'm not going to list the famous ones and certainly not going to share the personal ones with you but I can safely say there were more than a few shocks this year and far too many to ever say I will get used to it in the end.

For those of you who have plans for parties or or celebrations on the 31st/1st, all I wish to do is remind you that it's easy to make mistakes, especially where alcohol is concerned but please just stay safe and enjoy your memories as good ones and not regrettable ones and you will at least start 2019 on a positive note with a good outlook for whats to come. My 2019 will be much the same as my 2018 new year and was not one new year celebration but 2. My partner is presently in another part of the world due to the profession and commitment involved but we still find a way to share the moment together, only in our case, it is with a slight twist. As there is 8 hours difference in time, I call them and stay around to enjoy there new year and then they call me 8 hours later and we share my time and new year back. It's different but hey ho, it's life.

I have decided to forgive many people from my life for the terrible things they did to me and will say that if you hurt me, I won't hurt you back. If you owe me, it's alright and forget it and if you spoke bad of me, you have to live with the words and not I as I didn't hear them or give it a second thought. Instead, I prefer not to waste my time on negative issues but instead prefer to focus my attention in other areas in order to strengthen my own mind and personality and not be looking back at what might have been. It's not I who has an issue but you. Be it mental or physical, the burden of guilt is purely yours. This will be the last word on the issue and I will not be re-addressing this topic at any point in the future. So let's rejoice in the prospect of looking forward to 2019 with an open mind and clear vision of what is going to happen, what we hope to happen and what we will make happen and all of those things should be realistic in our plans so that they become achievable in our lives. There is a simple rule of thumb and it's easy to remember. "Plan your work and work your plan" and if you fail to plan, then you planed to fail. I hope you read these simple words and absorb them into your minds. You ma be glad of the wisdom in the end 

So what are your plans I ask myself for the big night, I hope I haven't thrown a damp blanket over them for you all. I would like to hear that you all had a wonderful night and celebrated in a way that will last all year long in your minds and when you cast your mind back to the 31st, you will smile and say I survived somehow. Just remember not to overdo it with the alcohol and you should be alright to face the world again, unlike this guy who looks the worse for wear and I feel might well wake up with at the very least a sore nose and maybe a thick head.

The morning after the night before can be a distressing one and for some an embarrassing one also but we all did crazy things in our past and Im sure we will do them again in our future but the one thing we should all be saying in 2019 is we lived through it and hurt nobody.
All it leaves me to say to you all for now is to wish you all a "Very Happy New Year" from myself "Peter Hulbert" and hope to see you all as I start a new blog page for 2019 to which you are all invited to join in and read.

6th January 2019

Wow, already it feels weird writing 2019 but it's a fact, we turned another page over and a new year started only last week and it's getting quite frightening just how quickly the time on the life clock is running down and sometimes when I look back over my shoulder, I have little to justify where all the time has gone. "I thought it would have taken much longer to get to this point" and my message to you all is enjoy your time as it runs out so quickly and there are no refunds and no guarantees supporting any life claims if you upset the balance of nature. I'm going to make a rule at this point to which I will try hard to maintain the principal and that rule is but a simple one which is no looking back and only looking forward and always with a positive undertone to our focus.

Another day and another dollar is the usual expression but when I woke up from the New Year's celebrations, I saw the empty bottles and uttered the words "Never Again" but in truth, this time next year (God Willing) I expect to repeat it all over again. The Good news is that I maintained my looks and charm and whilst my dignity might have suffered a bruise or two, the ego just got bigger in order to support the sarcasm in the line of duty. I have hinted at some pending news to come and I ask that you be a little patient as I will hope to have that information on or by the 15th of this month as Christmas has a horrible ability to slow things down and cause huge disruption across the international circuit with many people taking extended breaks and lengthy vacations across the globe but don't read too much into this as it is very normal and as expected. The main thing to take on board is that the people I associate with are friends and whilst they may be away from their desk, they are not away for good and will be back in this coming week but I wrote the next few days off and expect something good after the 15th.

14th January 2019

Here we are 14 days into the New Year and Im still forgetting to put 2019 but instead still writing 2018, I will excuse it as an age issue for now which is better than saying Im going crazy beyond help stage which sounds about right for the mental state of "Peter Hulbert" on most days...!!

So, what is on the cards for 2019 I hear you ask and whats the great surprise that I oh so often hint at but rarely speak about. Ok, it is quite simple but also quite serious. I have for some time had someone posting and promoting some quite offensive and negative comments in regards to myself to which they thought it funny to abuse me from a distance but to which despite hiding behind an IP blocker and fake details, Google through a High Court order where very helpful in providing the pathway to the person causing the problem and whilst they thought it funny and will probably start to destroy the details from today, it's too late as the forensic people already have the vital information and they are awaiting for me to say go, which should be very shortly now as we are on the pathway home and not on the pathway back. I always knew this person had a mental imbalance in their head but now and with what is to come, I suspect there days on the wrong side of the sanitarium door is numbered and if they weren't crazy before they were locked up, they sure will be after a few weeks of being locked up and to be quite honest, I simply don't care as they thought it fine to attack me, so whats good for the goose is good for the gander too.

So what is the topic I wish to cover today that I hope excites you all, for me it is BREXIT and the prospect that tomorrow in the so called meaningful vote in Parliament and as we all suspect, Theresa May will be voted down on her so called deal and only leave the door open for a no deal exit and to that end, that is what 14,000,000 people voted for and despite the despicable attitude of our MP'S, thats what we want. A total clean break and start a new pathway to freedom and creativity to which Great Britain is famous for. I will only ever believe it after the 29th March 2019 at 11.00am if we do leave as I have discovered that Mr's May is less than honest in pretty much everything she says and does but if we go, I will overlook her lies and look forward to a much brighter future without the EU BS to plow through on an almost daily basis and hopefully it will restore some pride back into the people of our great nation and re-unite our communities in a better place for all.