Monday 1 January 2018

Say What You Like But I Made It To 2018

1st January 2018

Can you believe it, we made it this far and survived all attacks and hazards in our way. You too apparently so the big question is simple "are we the last people on planet earth" or are their others out there somewhere. OK, so that's how we all feel after the party atmosphere has diminished and the alcohol and it's affect has worn away, we all wished so many a "Happy New Year" and muttered under our breath the e mortal words never again but only to repeated again this time next year, just confirming how fickle we all are. But did we learn anything from this yearly tradition, I thinks not..!    
So what next I hear you say, the rush to save up for your annual holiday in the sun to which means head down and battle on toward another bonus in the sun. We clearly are a species of followers and not so many leaders in our world, except for the occasions when someone stands out from the rest and breaks rank to do something different from the rest but sadly they are few and far between today. I blame the consequence more than the bonus and by that I mean that he who takes all the risk, may in turn bare all the burden with all to often very little to justify the reward for the bravery. How often have we blamed or criticised leaders, be they Political, Business or otherwise. However, it is they who stood out from the pack and took up the challenge and if they become a success, we then show our true colours again by saying "it's alright for them, they have plenty of money" and we condemn them for their bravery in the face of adversity. I prefer to admire their ability and salute their bravery for holding it all together while all others simply moan and groan about either their success or failure but I admire their quality of silence to respond and good luck to their success, it's well deserved in my world and the rewards favor the brave in the end.
I start my New Year with a feeling of confidence in the knowing and understanding that I'm guided by people of quality who never quit and will always find a way despite the problems and issues they fight every single day. I know that I am here because I was meant to be here and I reached this place because of all the hard work previously brought me to the place I need to be in to make it work. Be prepared to hear some positive news regarding the future very soon and keep the faith always. Just remain focused and positive and the rewards will come very soon but always believe in yourself.

So, what are your plans for 2018 that are achievable of within grasp. Have you set your goals and focus or are you just going to follow last years effort and just wish for better things in the knowing that they really won't happen ?. If you want to see change in your life it is you who must change and not others who must change but provide you with the rewards for their efforts. 2018 was a great excuse for you all to look back and say never again and mean it. Let's face it, it is still so fresh on your mind whatever it is but if you think by repeating yourself over and over will bring on the change, you are sadly mistaken as the old rule of "If you do what you have always done, you will only ever get what you have always got" will apply and rightly so. For myself "Peter Hulbert" my world is very much in the process of change and in so many different but oh so positive ways that have never been available before. I have never shied away from controversy or creativity but 2018 should show the world that Peter Hulbert is not only here for now but for a long time to come. All I would say is beware of the bite as it's worse than you might expect if you get caught in the jaws. Revenge is a beautiful thing and timing is always crucial and my time is here and now. Watch this space and blog and follow the wind of change as it happens throughout this promising year.

2nd January 2018

So, let me ask you all a simple question today. How can the 2nd be the 1st.....? "Simple" if you think about it. Today is the 2nd day of January but it's really the first real day of January as normality starts to return back to our lives and as I decided to start as I mean to go one, I decided I would spend the early hours of the day hiding in long grass and hedgerow to try and capture 1 good image of nature at it's best and by using what was left of the Christmas Turkey, I lured in my first model to the stage and I was not to be disappointed by the result. There is always room for improvement but as it was wet, cold and early, I was just grateful that this guy read the script and contract and for an extra potion of turkey, all I wanted was his selfie and I'm pleased to say the deal was done.

 For those who will ask the obvious question of "How do you get these pictures" the answer is always that there is an element of cheating and in this instance, a small portion of food placed in the same place daily for 3-5 days teaches the animal to return and on the big day, an extra large portion makes the animal stay in the same place a little bit longer than other days due to the free feed. It's learning little tricks which in reality are common sense when you think about it but will save you endless hours of making mistakes and provide you with results to be proud of very quickly. If you want to sit around for days, weeks or even months. Do it the old fashioned way but if you want to get to the target quickly, lay the trap and pathway and you will find the results come a lot quicker. This little guy had 5 days of food for 1 picture and we were both rewarded by using a little kindness and persuasion to incentivise the fox from his day out hunting to a very simple but very rewarding lunch that even his friends didn't get to look at. I always admire the Fox for his ability to be such a survivor and take everything in life in it's stride. The Fox is a great adapter to change and will readily adapt to the surroundings and terrain to which is around them with such ease. They are quite a common sight in the UK but still attract such attention when seen as they are so often hidden from view or hiding right under our nose without us ever seeing or knowing they are their. As I (Peter Hulbert) enjoy capturing nature on my camera, today was a good start to the year.

5th January 2018

It's been a strange kind of week and one where if I sit and think it feels like Christmas was about 3 years ago but it was less that 2 weeks ago for some weird reason. Today was the first Friday of the new year and after a call from "B" I arranged to meet her from work and take her for a Christmas dinner Chinese style and to say Im stuffed would be an understatement as typically, we ordered too much and forced it all down. I have little if anything planned for the weekend except to survive and seek out Monday but whilst I wouldn't normally do this, I thought I would share my Chinese meal with you as it truly was excellent and something worth shouting about.

The news this week didn't provide much comfort for the future with China calling it's troupes to prepare for war, North Korea saying they have the red button on the desk and ready to press and USA responding by saying his red button was bigger than Korea's which all gets a bit child like in the end. Whats wrong with the world, why is it all about threat, power and control. Why can't we all share the planet and accept that we are all different and are all interested in each other but should accept, respect and value each other but never tell others or try to control others to act as we demand.