Friday 25 January 2019

There's Light At The End

25th January 2019

So I blinked and I missed it could be the description for January but it's true, it all seems like a bit of a blur and went a little too quickly. However, I started this page with the heading of "There's Light At The End" and with a positive attitude and no matter how far back your starting position, you can soon make up ground and become the winner and that's what 2019 has in store.

It was only a matter of time and not a matter of if the snow would arrive here in God's Own Country but arrive it did and whilst there is more to come, it so far has not been so bad and despite the famous "Snake Pass" being blocked for a while, all in all it's been little to worry about but we stay alert and expect the unexpected and more is predicted. The image was taken on the high peak of the "Woodhead Pass" by myself (Peter Hulbert) and the snow as not the issue but the freezing wind certainly was a problem as everything was so cold and the temperature was below freezing. I was about 15 minuets drive from the farm and had just ended feeding the stock.

I thought I would share this image with you and hope that you will remember this attitude and also share it with others. Selfish does not even go anywhere close to describing this attitude of how to park and whilst we all want to have room to enter and exit our vehicle, we just need to be more considerate when parking in such a stupid way and to take up 2 spaces when there is no special need is nothing short of stupid and arrogant on a grand scale and for that reason, I nominate this person as twat of the week and may even extend it to twat of January award.
Whilst I am writing this, I am sat waiting for my partner to call me from where she is right now. I'm looking forward to seeing her very shortly and as I often mention, she is a Doctor and presently in another part of the world and when finished with her duties, will be on her way here to which I can't wait to hear that she has boarded the plane and heading here at high speed. After a few days of being here, we will be on our travels and catching up on some lost time and memories and whilst I have not decided where we shall go, it's looking increasingly likely that it will be a trip to France & Germany with a stop over in the mountains for some downhill fun and refreshment. I'm looking forward to a little break and holiday and not decided where to go. I'm told that Greece is nice and Spain too but somewhere restful is in order and the opportunity to clear my head is one I cannot ignore and as such I hope you will perhaps offer some input and suggestions as to where I could spend 2 weeks in complete calm and relaxation.

28th January 2019

We have almost reached the end of the first month of 2019 and it flew past at the speed of light, it won't be long before the smell of sun tan oil is in the air and I will be complaining about the heat. As it is, today is -2% with snow coming overnight with -10% arriving and a possible -11% just around the corner. How lucky I am.......!!

I am always banging on about places and my City often creeps into conversation and as such I thought I would share a little of it with you all today. Whilst I moan on about things, it truly is a Man thing to do that when in reality it is an exceptionally good city and as you can see with the image to the right, it is quite a picturesque place to take pictures. We are blessed by being on the edge of the Derbyshire dales and moors and having the luxury of being in God's Own Country at the same time and as such, perfection was always a place called home. Nobody ever said it was perfect but it truly comes close in so many ways and the diversity of culture that is so attracted by both of our Universities creates a wonderful platform for this mixture and diversity that comes from far and wide. The city has worked hard at it's image and recently due to the extensive work in cleaning up the area in order to develop and attract nature back to the city, a local environment officer was called to examine what must have been such a rewarding and satisfying result for the River Trust Authority when they found a salmon that had died and washed up on the river bank and this was such an exciting moment as it now confirms that the river is cleaning up at long last. We are not disappointed at hearing it had dies, as in reality, this is a sign that it has already mated as dying is the next stage after re-producing and shows that there is a realistic prospect that this animal has completed it's lifespan and ended on a good note with hope for the future.

 For those who know me well, the preparation has started for the big day in March which I know you will all be saying is a long way away but believe me, we start getting ready now and build up to the 17th March slowly. My annual trip to the promised land will be shortly and after a swift visit, we will return back to my home city for the big day. As usual, it is my date with my Daughter and it's a question of who gets the drunkest on the day and frightenly it is usually me as she manages to drink me under the table now (must be an age things). No matter which way you put it, when it comes to parties, there is no one quite like the Irish for celebrating a moment in time that last's for the whole year.

The big subject in the UK is still BREXIT. I say this slightly with my tongue in cheek as in reality, it more more of a case of Politicians and lies that is causing such high drama in the UK as many of them who were remain in the EU and more commonly known as "Remoaners" are now fighting tirelessly to stop BREXIT, despite that fact that we had the largest vote in our history and the Leave Voters, or Brexiteers as they are now known won. I always say in regards to Democracy that it's core foundations are based not upon who wins but respecting the result no matter what and despite all of the political spin over the last few months, you will see by the ballot card to the right that it was so simple what we were voting for and it was a clear "Remain or Leave vote" and was not complicated in any way. There was no reason except lies and fantasy as to why so many of our overpaid and under educated and arrogant MP'S should have any reason to call so many people stupid or ill informed. People voted for what affected them, no matter how insignificant and that reason should be respected along with the result. If elections are not respected when the result goes against them, we become a dictatorship of hypocrisy and akin to no better than "North Korea" and to that end and whilst I hope I am wrong, it would not surprise me if trouble similar to the yellow vest protests in France happened if MP'S reject or refuse us our civil right to go forward with the result and leave the EU. Just and only for the record, I voted to leave but Im sure you have already guessed that. I never had any faith in the un-elected but only appointed so called leaders of Europe and as history as shows on so many occasions, the only time we ever fall out with Europe is just after we all agree to be friends. I hope you bear that in mind and is a little bit of advice from "Peter Hulbert" to which you should remember.