Tuesday 10 July 2018

We Will Never Know What We Never Knew.

10th July 2018

Whilst the world keeps turning and the Planet never seems to run out of the energy required to keep it turning, sometimes I just wished that someone would stop the motion and let me get off. However, if it were that easy, I'm sure there would have been many people before me managed that trick and knowing my luck, they would all be the type of people I myself was trying to escape from and as such I would be suck with a set of morons I don't know, never want to know and more to the point am stuck with indefinitely. Ok, so rant over and now to business and you may well ask what has Peter Hulbert been doing with his time recently and what little time I have to spare has been donated to vegetarian drinks which is a combined mixture of hops, barley, yeast and lot's of water. It is fermented into a fine liquid and used to get through the days of Wimbledon Tennis, Tour De France Cycling & World Cup Football to which all require a endless flow of beer and thought and of course the obligatory shouting at the TV with wise words that for some unknown reason they pay no attention to what so ever. However, being the one in the house with the hairy chest, allows me the arrogance of the remote control for some reason and whilst I always preach the word of equality in the home, I still believe that the iron belongs to the wife and the remote belongs to the husband. On rare but occasional times, the remote can be offered to the wife as she often rams the iron into the face of the man. I also practice a similar type of equality when we visit the pub in the car. I always drive there and she is allowed to drive back.......!!

There is a wonderful description of life to which I can relate to all too well and it goes as follows: "There is only one thing worse than being alone & it is to be among-st people who make you feel alone" and for some reason, I suffered that kind of feeling too many times this week as my nearest and dearest is so far away right now and no physical way of bridging that gap except to be patient and understanding until all goes well here and the platform to advance suddenly opens up and the reward is to be back together but for now the dream goes on until the reality arrives at my door. Whoever said that life was tough never stood in my shoes where life is a permanent battle of suffering, surrounded by too many Generals and never enough troupes in which to win the war but as always, I refer to my English defiance and as always, never surrender no matter what. Those who know me will always tell you that I never enter a battle ground that I am going to loose, I only ever turn up to fight in the knowing that I am going to win and as such, the battle continues until the last Man (myself) is still standing and I advance with the knowing that by looking back, all I will see is a waste of bodies and no reasoning as to why.   

15th July 2018

This is a week that should be full of memories for so many for differing reasons but memories none the less. For the French it is a time to celebrate as yesterday was "Bastille Day" & to add to the party was the World Cup Win for the French Team. For The British, we were privileged to have a visit from The President of the USA who was entertained by the Queen & we know he enjoyed his moment but for myself, my moment is slightly smaller and more humble as it is my partners & future wife's Birthday tomorrow or should I say today as it is already tomorrow where she is.
The UK is looking like the start of a revolution within the political corridors might well take place tomorrow and the excitement of what comes next after so many resignation over the last seven days could force a leadership battle and who knows, maybe even an election of a new leader and possibly followed by a snap general election in the autumn. So, it's all happening and whilst it might sound like business as usual, the truth is that the UK at least is quite an exciting place to be right now. The problem with the political will in the UK right now is the lack of substance or as one might reasonably argue "lack of balls" but hey ho, isn't that always the case in politics. Good leadership is always provided by people with gut's and not slime from the trail of butt kissing. The heat in the UK has gone from mad to crazy and still getting warmer by the day but there is rain on the horizon and for me, it can''t come a day too soon.

22nd July 2018

Here we are, still sat in the hottest summer for what seems like a zillion years and still we soldier on despite the country and it's deep feeling and upset towards the goings on by our "Prime Minister" whom I feel I must name and shame as Theresa May who despite a referendum to the people and clear vote and a difference of 4% which was 1.7 million people, she is trying harder and harder to lock us into Europe indefinitely and shows no remorse for her actions. The UKIP team as well as many of her own team are now calling her a traitor to the people but as is always the case, her opinion is the only one she listens to but whilst I hope and pray that it does not happen. I and many others fear that it might turn nasty with Nigel Farage suggesting it could be the worst of all actions between the people and Government but I pray that never happens.
The one thing I have learned from history is that despite battles and wars, in the end it is the Politicians who cause them and when it comes to the rolling up of sleeves and physically dealing with the line of attack, the Political big wigs are all hiding in a safe place which the expendable public risk all in the name of Queen & Country. I just wish our Queen would step up and stop the parliament running away with what would have been treason 500 years ago. I don't want to see our country fall to others, I don't want our future royalty to be removed and I certainly don't want to see our Church of England and values removed but I can assure you that they are already happening and much quicker than one might expect. The one thing I know is it will end badly no matter what and the time to turn is now before it gets too late to turn.

Our country does not need new direction in theory, it does not need new policies but what it does need is the whole political theater to live by some morals and not a rule for one but a different rule for another. People are being locked up today for saying just what I am writing and the over use of Racism, Political correctness and stirring up racial discomfort is just an excuse for "Do what we say, don't question what we do" and the endless corruptions and scandals in the UK that start at the top and filter down is the problem. Our Prime Minister is a good example of double standards and values and in light of that comment, I would urge you to view the history of her father. This is not a hard story to find as there are many of them out there but it provides a real platform of fear for those who question the morals of this family or need to see where the reality has arrived at in 2018. The church is loosing it's loyal support on mass in the UK and for me, I am not surprised in any way when I see and hear the stories of money first and morals second. We need a new panel of management but not necessarily a new set of rules. The rule of decency should be more than enough for any person to accept but sadly our Government need a separate rule just for them and that is what we dislike in every aspect and way.         
27th July 2018

So, here we are turning over the weeks like pages of a book and whilst the story varies, overall life does not in many ways. However, whilst my life sits in one spot others does not and the political arena around the UK get's crazier each day and when I heard the news break that said Donald Trump had secured a trading deal with the EU in 24 hours, I was horrified to think our great liar....er, leader has spent two years negotiating fresh air and even that was rejected by the EU.

For the most part, the Prime Minister who has a track record of 100% failure in her previous role as Home Secretary and allowed a huge surge of migrants into the country that is now devastating peoples lives with high crime rate and huge housing issues all linked to the African & Pakistani immigrants and now failing her country by promising to deliver BREXIT but now making it blatantly obvious it will be in name only. "One might argue she is lying" and I think it would be hard to argue otherwise. She re words her proposals and terms time after time, most of her working cabinet resigned due to not wanting to support or work with her and siting that they agreement was to leave the EU where Theresa May is only masking over that we are leaving in name only and yet she stands defiant after snubbing our greatest friends and ally in the world, the USA and assumes that others will come running. Well guess what, they certainly run but it was in the opposite direction all together. The public want change of leadership and wan't it now but in her defiance she smiles through her stern and cold face with the belief that she will run away with her scheme to which other more vocal leaders and ex leaders are all predicting this will get nasty but to which I hope and pray that it does not but she just resigns and leaves with a degree of dignity at the very least......"Rant Over".

I took a little fall this week and managed to hurt my shoulder and knee and the doctor kindly let me keep a copy of the Ex Ray for my own reference and as you will see on the right, my knee took quite a bashing but fortunately all is settling down now and at least the pain has subsided although my shoulder still gives my pain. Its kind of weird how the body reacts as a warning to us by providing pain in which to say stop doing that and for the most part, it works well.
As many of you know, my partner is a Doctor and I am very proud of her for all of her hard work and studying to achieve such heights in her career and I am hopeful we will be back together very soon to enjoy the rest of our lives as Mr & Mrs which is all part of the big plan and to that end we have started to prepare the ground ready for the changes. Tonight is a bit of a special one as we have a orange or red moon which is an event that happens every 400 years. I hope I don't miss it or I will have a long wait for the next one and whilst I have not seen it yet, I have seen many images on the internet of others who have seen it and I have to say it is very impressive if not a little weird to see.