Tuesday 8 May 2018

Does Anyone Care That Nobody Cares.

8th May 2018

I am at the crossroads of life for some weird reason and whilst people keep telling me it's my age, it's truly not. It's my conscience of morality that is paining me and for some reason, the thing I have noticed in life that people don't care and worse still they don't care that they don't care. It take truly special people to show any sign of humanity today and when we see it, we are shocked but we shouldn't be. We should see it always and for my way of thinking the world would have fewer issues is people cared for others and stopped being driven by greed and personal gain. Those who know me will tell you that I only ever see money as a tool and not driven by it. It is a tool to get from A to B but I do not live my world around making or gaining money but only enjoy using it to make other things happen.   I have put something to the right of this post to test the hard of thinking, the clever ones will work it out in seconds, I hope you enjoy the madness if not the sanity too.
This week in glorious Yorkshire was a record breaking week for temperatures and 29% was seen in London which declared it to be the hottest May day on record and in my own city we hit 24% which once again a record and I will confirm both here and now that I am not complaining but begging for more.  My plight of life continues and I have much to enjoy and celebrate in so many ways. I was up at the farm last week and many new lambs are covering the fields and the sound of Spring with all it's wonders is a sight to see. The sound of birds and nature at it's best is something that I "Peter Hulbert" cannot bottle or create If I could, I probably would. For those who only know my City for the "World Snooker Championship", it was as it is every year a huge success and the city laid on a truly spectacular show again as it does year on year. I won't spoil the result for those who have yet to see it but I can confirm that it was truly nail biting in so many ways and you will not be disappointing when you finally watch it.

3rd June 2018

The headline of this page is a reference to who does or does not care and over the Month of May I found someone who cares passionately about my country and the people who live here and whilst I prefer not to name them, I'm sure if you look up the actions outside of the Leeds Crown Court (UK) over the month of May, you will see something to which I find truly invades all of our civil liberties and sets a platform for whats to come and I for one do not like it. I do not always agree with what people say or do but my response is to vote with my feet and walk away. However, under the present rule in the UK, they will lock you up for saying what you feel, for supporting people who say what they feel or even for thinking something you feel is wrong and to that end it has become a dictatorship far worse than Germany in 1939. End of rant and no more politics as I prefer positive people but felt I had to say something on this subject.

My work is something that I do not cover on this blog but I do wish to share a story about my work colleagues who had cause to celebrate this week with a night out at a Indian Restaurant and a few beers, the combination of which is often the cause of many a stand up comedian's jokes and this was to be no exception. I speak from experience that to over indulge is always a disaster and to under indulge is often seen as unsociable but to find the balance is a calculated guess and not always an exact science and my friends and colleagues will confirm by the morning after the night before that they clearly got the balance wrong.........as well as the amount of chilies in the food. One of my colleagues described it as having to put a toilet roll in the fridge in preparation for the morning fall out and by the number of absentees in the work space the following morning, I had no doubt that all was not well and they were in a worse place that morning than they were the night before. I can't describe the expression on my face as one by one the phone calls started to say they were not coming in that morning, it was the funniest start to the week ever and my sympathy went out to all.

So, what happened in the world of Peter Hulbert over the month of May I hear you ask......well, not much really. It was business as usual and in a month where all records were broken in May by the weather office confirming that we had the hottest May on record and I would stress here and now that I am not complaining in any way.
In regards to my friends and work colleagues who are "I'm pleased to say" fully recovered and back on planet earth, albeit a little sore in some regions and certainly worse for wear but it is good to see them all at least able to stand where just a few days ago all they could do was sit. They all make the self same claim to never do it again but whilst I am not a gambling man, I do feel it would be a safe bet to say it will certainly happen again and not too far in the distant future. However, there are rumors among the ranks that diet is the next big task and I for one will support and join that event if they kick it off, although by the sound of what there bodies parted with over the few days of absence, I do feel at an unfair disadvantage at this stage but ready and willing to try and catch up.

11th June 2018

So here we are and a third of the way through June and for me it's been quite a busy time with my daily life, especially the life as one might describe as normal to others but rare in my world which is daily activity and involvement with others. In this case it was about my beautiful daughter who was in the process of buying her first home and moving in and believe me, it was a very stressful time. The whole experience was very personally rewarding in that I was doing something for my family and as some of you are aware, in a past life, "I was a carpenter", although it was in the times of black and white and before digital records and as such, I was asked to make the wardrobes and cupboards for the bedroom etc.

The cupboard or bedside table to the left came as a matching pair and as such there was two. Each one had two drawers and were in a colour described as black/brown and whilst sounding a little weird, when they were assembled, they actually looked really nice and the colour was a very good choice that went well in my daughters bedroom and made her truly happy. As with all of these things, there are always problems and challenges to overcome and the instructions are good but not fool proof and here is where the fool turned up........"Me"..!!
So, we went a little slowly and step by step until the first cupboard was complete and then following the process of repeat and carry on, we quickly put together the second and made the bedroom for a 24 year old girl so special in so many ways and I could see the delight on my daughters face as part one of the exercise of making furniture started to come together. Part 2 being a very large wardrobe in which was basically the same process but much bigger challenge and one we were about to undertake, the most important rule being that they were for my daughter and no half measures.

 So, next task and challenge is wardrobe and despite the instructions being in at least 6 languages, I am from broad Yorkshire and the nearest language to the one I speak was plain English and whilst I didn't need an interpreter, I did need my daughter to help by separating and ensuring all the components and laying them out in a manor so we couldn't really get them wrong..........of that at least is the theory. So, onward and upward as we started the task of assembly and piece by piece, it soon started to come together, that is until we came to install the hanging rail to which we had no screws supplied and as the holes were pre-drilled and of a special size and length, I had nothing in my tool box in which I could substitute or modify and as such, another trip to the manufacturer/supplier was in order which as one might expect took up valuable time. This is where frustration is at it's best as we were to wait to be served and after a lengthy wait, we were tole that the equipment to which we required, is hidden inside the rail and the whole visit was a total waste of time and effort. However, true to the shop's advice, they were in fact correct and the screws and fixings were inside the rail and as such we progressed and completed the wardrobe and to the right is a picture of the end product to which is not the best picture in the world but does show a completed space in which to hang ones cloths away.
The next and final tasks were two of a pair of large sets of drawers and once again, matching to everything within the rest of the room and in the same black brown colour and despite being much larger than the bedside tables, these had the addition of an extra drawer and making it a total of three. These were quite straight forward if not a little time consuming and after a little bit of gentle persuasion, we finally completed the bedroom furniture that would shame and Hollywood movie stars room. My little girl who is no longer little but wall always by my pride and joy has the bedroom of her dreams and to which she has waited all of her life to have. She has my blessing and best wishes always and the hard work is always something we forget when it's for our own. So the talents of Peter Hulbert are extended further to carpentry and brains..........Ok, Carpentry...!!

16th June 2018

Well, the party hat from yesterday has finally been removed and the lack of hangover should explain that I stayed sober at the very least although I was over encouraged to have a drink but as I get older, the excitement of that has dwindled in so many ways. For those who want or need to know, I am celebrating being 21, it's the 38th year of celebrating it which is a bit weird. I am sat here right now with two (2) TV'S running, one with the Le Man's 24 hour racing going and as it stands, Toyota are out in front right now with the new hybrid cars and on my other TV I have the World Cup Football 2018 on with Argentina playing Iceland. At present, the score is 1-1 and not a good day our for Argentina but if it ends this way, Iceland will be delighted. So, my weekend will be racing, football and more racing and more football and I am not complaining either so please don't end the dream. I did have the one drink out with my daughter and here it is, just to prove that I am not a total bore. It was outside, in a pub garden where there is no WiFi and the locals appear to be in the final round of the staring competition and some even look like the survivors of a zombie attack. What is it with these local village pubs that think they are making money by not allowing access to their WiFi......Duh..!!

At this point and in reference to a certain country to the North of Myself. I find it so distasteful that you distance yourself from being British and part of the United Kingdom when times of international events take place. It is true that your national team failed to make the finals unlike small nations such as Belgium & Iceland but there is no shame in supporting your second team of England through the event. After all, we don't behave childlike when it comes to tennis as we adopt "Miserable Murray" as British & not an alien at times of sport. It may be fashionable but so child like. Perhaps the English history of success is something the other nations envy but we don't mind sharing our success around the globe, unlike the men in frocks.

29th June 2018

So, the World Cup is well under way and England have played 3 games and won 2 but in fairness, they didn't need to win the last game as they already qualified to go through to the next round. I might mention here that a certain team from "Germany" didn't get through and we wish them well.........Ha ha hahaaaa......!! "Sorry", I mustn't laugh. Today was a rest day the all the teams but not for long and for me it's a busy weekend with football, daughters birthday and Austrian Grand Prix. So it's yipee for my weekend. The temperatures in the UK continue to sour and it just get's hotter and hotter and if this is global warming, bring it on. The only cure I have found for the heat so far is in two ways, the first is a cold beer and as you will see to the right, that is covered. The other is to stand naked in front of the freezer with the door wide open but whilst the feeling is of freedom and coolness, the supermarket manager said he would report me to the Police if I ever came back. The beauty about my (Peter Hulbert) world is I enjoy a joke and mean no harm and if you find my comments remotely offensive, please leave and do not look back. If you find them funny, then I am pleased as all I ever intended was to provide a smile for you or others to which is a little risky but meant in the best intentions only.
My trip out this week was in the sun and as you can see by the clear blue skies in the background, we are lucky at this moment in time to be enjoying such hot and beautiful weather and the best thing to do is to enjoy what is free and the gifts that God provided us with which is all around us to enjoy. On this day, it was a great day to feed the ducks and geese at my local lake and whilst the heat was hard to live with, the fun side of watching so many beaks pecking and squawking was in itself a pleasure to see. I'm not going to bore you further with this blog today as my life over the last 7 days has been covered and other that what I wrote above, the rest was rather boring at best.