Saturday 3 March 2018

Stop The Planet, I Want To Get Off......!!

3rd March 2018

"Help".......!!! It's already a quarter way into 2018 and the time is just speeding up. I blink and a day has gone and when I look back I have little if anything to justify the time.

My Country is going through a Madness and Hysteria of Crazy because it snowed again and the wise ones just laugh at the stupid ones who are all acting like the end of the world has just descended upon us and the lights may go out at any moment and stay out for good. What the hell is wrong with these people who all run out panic buying. I saw a woman yesterday buying 12 loaves of bread and asked myself "Why".....!!. Surely she can only possibly eat one loaf or at best two but 12 is madness. All I could see was a very selfish woman grabbing food that will last for a month that was designed to satisfy her selfish attitude that she had food in the house but at the cost of someone else having no food as she took theirs. I saw 10-11 families loos out on bread as a direct consequence of pure greed on behalf of this crazy and very arrogant woman. We will only have this extreme of snow for the next 2-3 days and it will pass over but their are families out there who cannot make it to the shop until later in the day and if we just accept there is enough for all if we share, we will easily get through but for some, this in an ask too much situation and me first and me last. Shame on them..

Above is rather an amusing sign that I found when out on my travels that signals to those with no common sense that they may be doomed if they carry on relying on their Satellite Navigation as it will take them beyond the boundary of madness to a place that time forgot and never to return to earth for at least a thousand years after the end of humanity as we know it. If you look to the right, you will see the supermarket where I referred to earlier where I saw panic buying gone crazy and the shelves were stripped bear by people who could live on their fat reserves for at least six months if needed and without even loosing a pound in weight for some but the words "Food Shortage" sent them out like hyena hunting for food and making the same howling sound when they found it.
You will see below a message from the BBC news team who were amused by my comment and pictures of the supermarket and contacted me with a kind request to use them on their morning show of which I duly allowed and I hope it highlights the madness to others although I suspect sadly it won't.
  I would at this point like to thank the BBC for being so kind as to contact me to request the pictures and it shows just what an honest and respectable outfit the BBC are by doing this honorable deed. All too often people just download and use material that is not theirs but the BBC stand out from the rest by showing they have morals and to that end I commend them for their honesty. We are blessed in the UK to have such a respectable media company to whom provide such a wealth of quality programs of mixed variety and I thank you all for the service you provide.

14th March 2018

So the madness goes on and the world is but one click away from world war three if we are to believe the press and media but then if we do believe the press and media, we deserve to spend our lives in a highly secure hospital, living on very strong medication. Whats wrong with the world, why can't we just stop telling others what to do, stop trying to rule by force and just become a peaceful and friendly place to be again. Maybe it is too much to ask, even for "Peter Hulbert" and his idealistic world. life soldiers onward in a very positive and focused way and without the hindrance and drain of so much baggage that used to follow me around like the "Pied Piper and his flute".  I heard on the news today, so much negative stuff that I just wanted to boil my head in the hot chip pan and ask for face reconstruction but that would be stupid but at least less painful that listening to the media.

I stumbled upon a sign today that brought a smile to my face while I was feeding the ducks in my local park and it was a sturdy reminder that I had not taken any time out this year to go fly fishing and it's about time that I did. The reason this sign brought a smile to my face was really due to a kind of tongue in cheek type of approach and for those who are reading this from within the UK, you will know what I mean. On almost every high street in every town was a Bank and for reasons best known to them, they have all decided to close down and go digital for what they describe as "Beneficial to the Customer" and cost effective means.......BS to you and me..  So when I saw this sign it hit home that here is a sign for a Bank that will not allow deposits, withdrawals or inquiries of any kind and just to rub salt in the wound, you can't fish there either.......!!  Was there ever a time before rules when that old and outdated system of "Common Sense" applied, instead of Government Policy or Health & Safety Guidelines to protect us all from law suits. I truly am sick and tired of "Risk Assessments" for how to turn a light on and off or how to change a toilet roll. I was borne with a brain, please don't tell me how to use it. If you find people that need instruction for every aspect of life, perhaps it's time to get rid of them and replace them with common sense humans and not degree students with bit's of paper but no idea what to do with them.

I was in a local store this week where I found a student working. They were stacking a shelve with mugs and I changed some of them around, I asked them if they had the following "H,O,L,E" and all I got in response was "I can ask the stock controller if we have them, so I waited. Upon there return they said, We have them at our other store across town and we can get them here for Friday when they deliver, to which I replied......."No Thank's, it was just to complete the shelve you were working on" and even then, it was like talking to a blank screen. Below, is a picture I took of the mugs I was re-arranging for fun.........!! I know it was a bit childish but at the same token, the student with more degrees than a thermometer was  kept busy by utilising their customer service skills, health and safety skills and store familiarisation skills, all of which they probably have a certificate and diploma for that probably cost them thousands of pounds of technical study and time to acquire. God Help Us....!!

19th March 2018

Not a lot has happened since I last updated you all except that Putin won an election to which anyone who allegedly came up against him managed to die and people from his past associations got them selves involved in a nerve gas attack in the UK with suggestions that others who were also alleged to have linked to Putin have been murdered by association of Putin from the past. What the hell is going on with the world. I prefer to keep well away from politics as it's too distressing and cases way too much stress as the world appears to be driven by both power and finance and that makes me sick inside.

It's way past the middle of March and someone seems to have cancelled Spring time and gone straight back to winter, we had 6 inches of snow over the weekend and more predicted over the Easter Holiday period to which is something that I personally am tired of seeing. However, I know that the good is yet to come and patience is a virtue in the end and the sun has got to appear at some point as I have an arrangement with my friend in Australia who promised me it was on it's way and has now left Australia for us to use through to September time. The picture to the right shows just how quiet it is in the parks right now and this in the main is due to the weather but it provides for a very bleak picture and the ability to be creative through thought as there is little to see or hear except for the birds and the wind on these days. There is a kind of beauty in the serenity of silence and the weather despite being cold, provides lots of colour and signs of what is to come. I noticed today that the buds on the trees were waiting to come through and birds were very vocal which is always a good sign that Spring is somewhere close by. Below is a picture of a tree that I grew up calling a catkin tree and they always provide a splendid array of both vibrant colour and a short spell of the knowing that this is an early stage of Spring time.

Believe it or not, both of these pictures were taken within 1 hour of each other and it just goes to show how unpredictable our weather is at this time of year as it changed from dull and grey to bright blue in a matter of minuets although despite to colour change, the temperature remained the same and it was truly arctic conditions outside.
As the week goes on, it warmed up and we are now at the 22nd and I am ready to strip to my underwear....ok, I'm not but it's almost 6% and after so much snow and ice, the showing from the sun was very welcome although I understand that it may well change back in the next seven days to remind us that winter has not given up the fight yet although it's getting too far into the year for winter to win the battle in the end, so if we do get a swift return, so be it for now as we know it won't last forever. For those who are reading this from warmer climates, it must seem rather weird to see super blue skies with bright sunshine and me talking about how cold it truly is, but for us in the UK it's quite normal at this time of year and I always feel blessed that we really do get four seasons unlike many countries and I feel we are very lucky to experience all.

22nd March 2018

So here we are, another week down the road with Britain verbally abusing others and not in a polite way and I ask myself "Why" and what does it all achieve in the end. I truly think the worst people in the world to ever select to run a country are politicians and I am jealous that countries like the USA & Russia chose business men to run their countries.

In order to provide you with an idea what my back yard looked like, I have provided you with a picture taken on Tuesday 20th from my collection from a day out with Peter Hulbert and his camera.

29th March 2018

So, we reached the end of March and the world is still here, although it's fair to say that for how long is a serious question today. I saw that the North Korea President "Ding Dang Dong" had visited China and judging by the face of the Chinese President, he looked like he had just been told his cure for hemorrhoids had failed. Russia is to fire some missiles off the Swedish coast in a live firing exercise and for a simple Yorkshire man, I just don't get it and I don't want to try and get it.
If you ever want to question morals or progress, I would suggest you quietly ask yourself one simple question which is as follows:
"If you could pick just one person from your life, either past or present, who would you like to sit beside you on this seat to spend a few hours" and then ask yourself why you chose that person and finally ask yourself is all this world pressure and stress worth it in the end when we all have people in our lives to whom we love and miss and our planet will be a much better place if we replace hate with love. This nonsense of my gun is bigger than yours or my bomb is bigger than yours is crazy. I'm pretty sure there is enough weapons on the earth to kill us all 10 times over and yet we build more. We grow enough food to feed the planet many times over and yet, people starve. We have cures for just about every illness today and yet, people are still poorly. Why does this madness exist and whilst I'm not expert, I have observed that money appears to be the key and control is the power and he who has the money has the control and humanity has nothing to do with it. How sad we all are to allow this madness in a time when we all profess to be decent honest human beings, it's sad when you think about it. In my world it is now Easter and for many, this means a few days holiday or sharing chocolate eggs but the meaning of Easter for others is a deeply religious and spiritual time to which to rejoice and say prayers. For those who were wondering who I would share the seat with, it would be my Father who passed away 10 years ago and to whom I would say sorry for being such an asshole all of my life. "No matter who your God is", please have a safe and happy weekend.

5th April 2018

I woke up this morning to quite a shock and surprise because when I woke up and eventually looked into the skies, I was greeted by a huge orange ball in the sky and with that in mind and very little that I could not put off while tomorrow, I grabbed my camera and left for the hills and to say is was worthwhile would be an understatement. The sky was blue and not a cloud to be seen in anywhere.

I started my day with a walk around the park to get the brain in order and blood flowing before working out where I was going to head off to in which to capture some moments of pure beauty and whilst I nearly always want to head either north or west in order to capture the moment, well don't be disappointed as today was going to be no exception but precisely where to go was still not clear until I soaked both of my brain cells in a bath of English Tea to which is always an excellent way to kick the system into play.
After a short time of thinking, I decided to head out to an old hunting place of mine where there is a beautiful lake and a whole series of wind turbines where the only thing that breaks up the quiet is the sound of silence and to say it is peaceful is a description that needs a better word to cover it, so what I have provided you with below is a picture of the lake where the top of the overflow outfall section is and as you will see, it creates a cascade of falling water that looks rather special when captured on a camera and the sound when you visit is very calming indeed.

28th April 2018 

It's been a week of highs and lows and whilst this high's were very high, the low's were very low as well and it kind or brought the world to reality. I will start with the high of the political mind games of North Korea who stepped over the border to meet with South Korea and purely as political correctness dictates, the South Korean President stepped over the border briefly to show he had also entered North Korea, albeit for no more than 30 seconds but the gesture was there in both spirit and harmony in the hope that progress toward stability and peace can be brought to the peninsula and the whole world watched in amazement and anticipation. President Trump was quick to show support and congratulate himself for being the provider of this summit meeting and showed caution but support for this historic occasion to which the end of the Korean war was officially declared. The low was a much more sensitive and personal occasion in which Alfie Evans lost is heroic battle for life to which the whole world was affected by the political arguments of humanity to which poor little Alfie was the subject of the Courts and so much media attention, he was known as a true fighter and battler for a cause that in the end seemed fruitless and broke so many hearts and emotions were at best running high over this period of time. I just hope that the world allows this little Angel's Mother & Father the time to grieve and start to re-build there lives without Alfie. Our prayers go out to this truly dedicated and committed family whom never once gave up the battle for their little boy.  "God Bless this family".

I thought the picture to the left spoke more words than I can provide at this moment in time. The sadness that surrounded the week sums it up for me as possessions are nothing if they make us sad and whilst we all dream of a big house, a happy home is far better and I can underline this as I know all too well what it is like to grow up under a less than happy cloud of childhood. I would have traded a home for a kennel to be happy and the one thing I learned from the experience was to not repeat this or hand it down to my own family and money isn't the key to a happy life but giving people your time if far more valuable and to that end I am 100% committed to giving my time and life to my family in every way possible. We are nearing the end of May and a new page will be operating from May and as always, I value your support and encouragement to keep going. I promised to share some exciting news with you all and I truly intend on doing that but as this was dedicated to little Alfie and his memory, I will leave if for the May post and simply ask that you say a prayer for the new Angle in Heaven and and his wonderful family and I will be back in May to update you all with some exciting news.