Thursday 2 February 2017

A Question Of Morals Over Emotion....!!!

2nd February 2017

What a difference a week makes to the world affairs. Just when you thought it was safe to get back into the water, along came something to remind you that you may get bitten and thinking not doing is far more rewarding in the end. I rarely if ever share my feelings although to those who are close to me, they are as plain as the nose on my face to those around me, especially when the face of anger appears.

My day has been eventful for all
the right reasons for me as they were filled with emotion that is something I always say is a dangerous tool and one that I don't deal in but as someone quite special had vanished from the radar and I had no means of contact with them, it was with great elation when they popped up today and the sound of there voice was enough to light my day like a lighthouse in the distant and mystical fog. The sound of silence was broken by a friendly voice in the end.

 I still don't know where January went as I'm sure that it was only Christmas last week but I'm assured that it came and went and I was around when it happened but February is here, the sound of birds has started again and many things that are happening suggest that spring is not too far away. I was asked a truly weird question yesterday and the question itself came right out of the blue. I was asked "Where do you get you inspiration from" and the simple truth to that question is that I'm inspired by humanity, by reality, by love and trust but never by money. I'm inspired to write this blog by watching how many people read them which leads me with hope that my time spent writing and composing the content of these blogs was not wasted and if it brought someone a little happiness in there life or inspired them to do something, that is the best news ever and the reason I do these things and all the reason I need to keep doing something that I truly enjoy. Writing has always been satisfying to me and my world.

The thing that I have acquired out of my experiences over the last few years is the beauty of knowing that from the pathways of darkness, there is always a light somewhere and for those with direction, determination and the energy never to quit, your light will appear and you will suddenly find the strength from within to continue. The education that I learned was mainly directed toward people. I discovered they all come in different types, sizes and personalities and we should never judge through first impressions. People come in good and bad packages. Those who are good are always good and those who are bad are always bad. The good ones always want to do good things and the bad will always want you to believe they are good and only time and experience will get you through that mine field safely. For me, it was an experience that would change my whole life and to discover people whom I allowed close to me and open up and trust in them was such a shock to discover I made the wrong choices and the hurt was something I found hard to bear but 2016 was my line in the sand and I crossed the bridge of experience and stopped fooling myself that those people ever cared about anything more than themselves and the relief is like nothing I have ever experienced before. It's like I stepped out of the dark and into the light with no possibility of ever returning to a place so wasteful and wearing. The best way I can offer by way of a description is that Peter Hulbert finally found himself and has no interest in the others.