Sunday 13 March 2016

March 2016

This is a daily account of the who, what, where, why and when of the complicated life of Peter Hulbert.

For those who follow Peter on his Facebook page, you will be well aware of his comedy background and previous history, suffice to say that what is true is true and what is over exaggerated is usually found through Google.

Peter's life started in the month of June 1959 at a time when John, Paul, Ringo & George were just getting themselves together and ready to make some noise.  Peter's life started in a Canal cottage on the edge of the Leed's to Liverpool Canal at the farm and canal cottages in Menston Nr Guisley West Yorkshire. Peter soon moved to Sheffield for 12 months before moving back to West Yorks to Yeadon where much of his youth was spent studying Ornithology (Birds) and Fishing, Peter also was very active in school and represented his school at Cricket (wicket keeper) & football (goal keeper) and whilst hopeful to be a rugby star, was never selected to represent the school in Rugby.

At the age of 12, Peter Hulbert moved to Sheffield South Yorkshire where he spent the rest of his school career and became quite withdrawn toward school and social life with anyone outside of his circles. Peter left school at the age of 16 to start an apprenticeship as a Carpenter where he completed a 3 year course working mainly on site and installations.

It's a bit late tonight but the project at Huddersfield is taking up some time at the moment. "I want to share a short story with you today" about the little Man in business who put to shame the giant of the industry in the UK.
On Monday of last week, I took my computer to PC world with a problem, after keeping it untill saturday, they called me and asked me to visit them the next day but because we are busy at Huddersfield, we could not make it untill Monday. However, on Monday I met a new staff member who said no one could open up the programs on the PC but the member of staff who called me was shortly to appear and he said "The Hard Drive is Broke". The quote was as follows to fix the PC.

£50 to package it up and send it off to Acer
£100 for a new hard drive
£30 to re-load the software back on again.

I said, I will get a new computer, although this one is less than a year old. However, after a short search on the internet, I found a local chap who repairs computers from home as a small buiness, he said he chaged £39 for all work no matter how long it takes. I agreed and he quickly called round. 2 hours later, I recived a text teling me it's done. This chap (Brian) then called round and dropped it off. What a brilliant service by a true gentleman and someone who is 100% honest. I rarely do this but I want to share with your this chaps details in case you ever have a need of his help. His business is called  Comucrisis and his web site is and he is trule very helpful and a gentelman.                        

August 2016

It's been a while since I updated my blog and it was due in the main to having such a good summer and not being 100% well for a while. However, IM here now and maybe it is time to share a few pictures with you all which probably covers my summer time better than a few words. It's widely known that photography is one of my hobbies and whilst I have been working hard down at the farm, I have also been capturing some of the moments on my camera.

All of the bove pictures were taken on the farm and close to Monsaldale Derbyshire, it was a hard but very enjoyable summer of work and laughs. The river at the bottom of the valley is the river Derwent and runds down the valley toward Bakewell. Im also known for my fly fishing passion and can't confirm or deni if I caught a 2lb rainbow on a Thursday afternoon in July that looked remarkably like the self same one I had for my evening meal that very same day but what I can say is the fishing is very good and only dry fly allowed.
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Peter Hulbert